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Jens pov

2 years later

Me, Leah, and both our families are having a huge vacation in Hawaii. Simple but fun. It was all Leah's idea. She got a raise a while ago and saved up for all this. My sugar mama. Well we both have good money actually. I helped in with paying of course.

This was already our third night here. We had dinner by the beach and watched a performance. They were using so much fire for their dancing but they were so talented I'm so amazed. Also Leah's step sisters' daughter was adorable. She really liked me and Leah and she was sitting on my lap eating with me. She's a year and a half old.
"Can I keep her?!" I asked her sister and she just laughs and says sure. But we both know we are joking.
Mine and Leah's Mom are also close so they're happy we are all together.

Later They had their own fun hanging around after dinner. Everyone else had their own fun too. Leah and I went back to our hotels and took a shower together then relaxed in our bed and just talked

"Are you having fun here?" She asks me "so much fun. How about you?" "Yes. Cause I'm with you" she smiles and tucks my hair behind my ear. "You're so beautiful baby" she says to me and it was just so soothing "thank you beautiful"

"So our plans for tomorrow..breakfast with the family, go to the beach and relax, swim, then go out for lunch since it'll be lunch time by the time we finish"

"Mhmm" I say and just watch her talk. She notices and stops and smiles "What?"

"Nothing" I smile more "keep talking"

"Okay?" She giggles "then there's another show during that lunch that I know you wanted to see so we will"


"Yup. Then the day after that I'm taking you on a special tour.. we get to explore and it'll be just me, you, my step sister, her daughter and husband"

"Mmkay. And the others?"

"They're going on a different tour"

"Oh okay..so this is a couples thing?"

"Pretty much"

She told me the rest of the plans for the rest of the week and then fell asleep pretty early.

Leah's pov

"So they'll call her out to dance with them after their first act right?" I say quietly on the phone talking to Jens Mom since I have something special planned for her today. "Yea I just called them right now to make sure" "okay thank you so much Lupe! Love ya" "love you too! No problem"

I went back to the bed and she was still asleep but it was time for her to wake up so we could have breakfast with everyone.

"Baby it's breakfast time"

"Noo" she complains "come on I'm not fighting you on this I'm starving. Please get up"

"Do you still love me?" She asks me "yes of course! Why?" "Then let me sleep. If you love me you'd care"

"Ugh jen!" I pulled her out of bed because I was not playing around. I'm starving.

We got to breakfast with the rest of the family. The we went to the beach after to relax.

"Wow look at my girl in a bikini" I said the jen as she walks over to one of the deck chairs by me. She smiles looking down at me since I was already laying down on the chairs. She turns around and poses showing her ass off to me and starts putting on sunscreen on herself. I watched her the whole time. Once she finished she bent over to reach for her phone. This girl just loves to tease.

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