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Jens pov

It's crazy how I'm here making out with leah in the back seats of her own car. I'm amazing. I easily turned her on. Her windows are really tinted so nobody can see shit plus it was getting dark outside.

I pulled back from our kiss and smiled at her dragging my hands down her sides. She looks down and up my body then right to my eyes.
"You're really hot" I say to her "and so are you" she replied.

Eventually both out pants were off. She was leaning back onto the door and holding onto me while I was giving it to her. It was the most beautiful thing I could experience. I just hope she's not too loud that if people pass by they'd hear.

"Mmm just like that" she says. I went fast causing her to arch her back and moan louder. She came then looked down at where my hands were as I went slower letting her recover from that. She bit her lip and I knew she wanted more. I smirked and pulled my fingers out sucking off her cum but when I looked at her her face it practically says she wants more. I giggled and slowly rubbed her, bringing my fingers along her slit and just teased her. She kept watching my hand move slowly but I could tell she wasn't patient.

I pushed her legs back more and brought my face down but still watched her. I started to lick her clit and made eye contact the whole time. Then a little after I looked down. I was so into it and getting a little messy with her but her phone randomly started ringing. I looked back up at her while I just kept eating her out and she shook her head and told me to keep going. She started moving around grinding onto my tongue as it went in her. Her moaning turned me on so much I started touching myself also.

"Fuck Jennifer" she hissed and threw her head back while grabbing onto the back of the passenger seat really hard. I used my free hand to continue touching her while still pleasing her with my tongue till she came. I brought my face up to hers while still touching myself moaning right in her face. She smiled and I felt her dip her fingers in me while I was rubbing my clit and it got even crazier after that. Her jaw dropped and she looked down seeing it everywhere.

"Did you just-"

I innocently shrugged my shoulders and giggled "sorryy"


I just smiled and leaned down to kiss her. I fucking love this woman. Like love. Like my heart bursts filled with happiness because of her.

"We're hot" I say

"Honestly we really are" she laughs and cups my cheek "Leah.."


"I-..I love you" I whisper and wait for her response. I got scared to be quite honest.

"I love you too"

"No...you don't understand..yeah you're my bestfriend but I love you like..you have a special place in my heart that nobody could ever replace and I think I'm falling deeper..in love with you.."

"I know.. I love you too"

"You...you do?"

She paused for a second and looked at my lips while licking hers then back to my eyes. "Yes" that made me feel crazy happy. It touched my heart so much cause I thought she didn't. Especially a few weeks ago when I could stop crying because of her. But now I'm full of joy but still wanna cry. And there it happened. I started to cry because I got emotional.

Leah's pov

Jen legit squirted in my car and I've never imagined I'd make her do that. Well it was her work too. I don't know how we did it but it happened.
"You're gonna have to clean that up" I say as we put our clothes back on.

After we got dressed I opened my side of the car and stepped out and she slapped my ass at the same time but I just rolled my eyes.

Now we're both in front again about to leave the parking lot. "Where do you want to eat?" I ask her "anywhere" she sighs but it sounded like a happy sigh. Eventually we found the perfect place and ate there.
We were in the middle of eating waiting for our food to arrive. "I'll be back I have to go to the restroom"

"Okay be careful" I say as she stands up about to walk away but she turns around halfway and smiles happily and then all of a sudden she bumps into a waiter.

My eyes widened and I kind of gasped a little but he was only holding a check so it was fine. She looked back again to me but she was further and I just laughed and looked back down at my phone and continued texting her sister. I guess me and her sister are getting even closer than before. We were already close though because me and jen are best friends so I know jens whole family. Well just the immediate family not the extended family. Anyways we were just talking about earlier. Not into detail but I mean about what jen said to me..that she loves me.

"..yeah I love her but not like that. At least not yet. I really feel like this is just for fun. I enjoy being with her a lot and the sex because of my old situation and her recent breakup. It helps us both but I didn't mean for her to fall in love with me" I replied to her

"She had found you attractive way before she met reina remember? But she didn't take it too seriously because she knew there was no chance. She's literally living her dream right now being able to mess around with you now because she's always liked you. But she always put that aside of your friendship because she didn't want to ruin it and now that you two both came out to each other she felt like it's easier for her now to tell her how she completely feels leah. You gotta admit you have a bit of feelings for her. I know you do. I just also know you're not ready to have a relationship with her like that yet because this is still all new to you and the main reason you mess around with her is for your benefit to be satisfied."

"You're exactly right..what do I do?"

"You're going to have to slow things down before she asks you to become her girlfriend"

"She's going to hate me so much."

"Just slow things down. It's easy"

"But she's hot.."


"And she told me something earlier today that got us going and it got very intense"


"Lol sorry"

"Its fine..I mean for some reason it doesn't seem weird that you're fucking my sister it's just I get so much details about it"

"Haha true.. anyways I'll text you later jens coming back from the restroom"


Jen made her way back her and she looked more out together.
"You didn't tell me how much of a mess I looked"

"You're still bea-beautiful" I shouldnt have said that. "Aw thank you. You too."

"Thanks" I smile and we receive our food.
"Anything else?" Our waiter asks.

"I could order my desert later right?" Jen asks
"Yes! Unless you want it right after you're done we can start it up in a few minutes"

"Whatever works best is fine"

She ended up ordering it.

"Two desserts in a day? Yum" jen says and bites her nail. "Oh shut up" I giggle. Half was sarcasm half was real. I keep repeating what jen said to me earlier in my head. The part when she said she loved me. I'm so scared cause I know I'm going to break her heart eventually. I'm not that in love with her.

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