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Jens pov

The reason I walked away is cause I thought about it. After her apology..things still won't be the same. She'll still be with Rick. I wish she was single so I wouldn't have to worry about him. Even if I'm not her girlfriend I just don't like him at all or anyone who ends up having her. She deserves better than Rick though and I don't think Rick realizes how lucky he is.

"Hey are you oka-" Andrew says but I quickly just pass by him not even listening. I get to more of an empty area far from everyone but still in the backyard of the house party.

"Get the fuck out of my way" I hear Leah yell to Andrew and I watched her make her way over here. Andrew kept going in her way so she ended up pushing him in the pool. Feisty.

Once she got to me she stood in front of me as I was sitting down. "Jennifer..it's not okay" she says and I look up at her "what do you want Leah? You say you're sorry but won't realize what I'm going through. You'll just be back with Rick once me and you are fine." That attitude I gave.

"You really hate him?"

"Yes Leah! First of all I met him first and even though I'm gay I find it unfair that you stole him from me or he stole you from me. What happened to "I'll never leave you" ? If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be happy in life right now, and you wouldnt be having good sex either and I don't care what I just said but that's the truth. I just really don't like him because he doesn't realize what type of person you are! I feel like you guys moved to quick in this relationship. I hate him"

Leah sighed and sat by me "I'll break up with him" she softly says and puts her hand on my back "you'll..what?" "I'll dump him. You say I'm happy in life but I'm not. I love our friend ship more than anything and he's not worth my time. Although I'll miss it so much I would rather lose him than lose you"

That shut me up. That touched my heart. That made me happy. That made me cry even more. Is she serious? Well I mean yeah I've been her friend for almost her whole life.

She wiped my face but I just kept crying and she hugged me tight. "I'm sorry" she whispered and it made me clench my eye lids together even harder. We stayed hugging for a while. I felt like I'm back home. I've missed her hugs so much. Leah really does care. She's really breaking up with him for me. I didn't even know I was all over her mind stressing her out this whole time.

"You have a special place in my heart. There's no way I could deal with all this shit. If he's someone you don't like, he's obviously not the right one for me. He needs approval from people in my life and you've already answered that sooo.."

"...i feel bad that you have to do that"

"Don't worry I want to. We've been having problems anyways" she giggles trying to lighten up the mood. "Like what?"

"He doesn't trust me and is always up my ass about everywhere I go and who I'm with. I'm not trying to date my parents here" that made me giggle. She was looking at me smiling too but I still had tears going down my face as I laughed. "Can you forgive me now?" She asks kind of cupping my cheek and had her other hand at my thigh. I know it's not purposely to make me fall for her again. It's just the moment but I like it anyways. "Y-Yes" I nod my head and smile and she got happy. She wiped my face and stood up. "Let's go to the restroom and fix your face. You look a mess!" I roll my eyes and agree with her and follow her to the bathroom. As we walk I look to the side and see Andrew all soaked up standing by the pool after being thrown in and I just laugh. "You're so mean Leah" I giggle "he was blocking me from apologizing to you! I had to" that's the Leah I missed. She doesn't care about what others says .. well aside from being Bi.. she'll never admit that to anyone.

We were in the bathroom and Leah had makeup in her purse so she was redoing my makeup. I'm getting feelings again but I have to hide that now before I ruin what we just fixed. I was leaning back into the sink as she was close in front of me fixing my mascara and eyeliner.
"hurry up in there! This isn't a sex room" someone yells and bangs on the door. I look at Leah and widen my eyes and we just laugh. "It's actually two girls shut up" She yells out. "Oh lesbians.. carry on" "no! I-" "just leave it leah" I laughed and she rolled her eyes. Then she reapplied some concealer and put on lipgloss onto my lips. "There. You're beautiful again" she giggled and I turn around to face the mirror "thank you!" I smile and look at myself.

She starts putting her stuff in her purse again while I look at myself. "I know I already said this but I'm really sorry Jennifer"

"I know..I said I forgive you" "do you really mean that?" "Yes" I giggled. We ended up hugging again with me still leaning back on the sink. We just stood like this for a few minutes. "I've missed you so much. I knew that tiny phase of us trying to fix things weren't that great. I felt like it wasn't real..this feels real though" she said "Yeah I know. I felt the same way." We say pulling back.

"So..have you found anyone yet?" She asks me. "No..not really." I nervously laugh "oh that's good..I think haha" "yup"

She just kept her eyes at me mine and I know she knows that we are putting that gay shit all aside but this really isn't helping. "So you haven't had sex with anyone ever since?" She asks "I-no..I'm not a hoe. I know what you're going to say..but the closest I've gone was almost fucking Andrew but I didn't even like the kiss we made." "You kissed him?"  "Mhmm.. how did you do it? I hated it!" She laughs "how do I taste?" She says unexpectedly "w-what- leah!" I say and playfully hit her arm "I am joking! Well not really..you know where his mouth has been" "stop! Oh my god" I smile and cover my face. "I'm serious!" I say "I don't know.. it's different. I know you like girls only so you're not used to it. People have types. Some do and don't like guys with a beard"

"Interesting..well..how's the sex life with Rick?" I say nervously. "It's good. I've had better though"

"Oh well..I mean at least you got some" I say and face back at the mirror fixing my hair. I didn't want to think about the better one because it'll just put me down even more.

"You're not gonna ask me who the better one was?" She asks and I kind of freeze and look at her through the mirror. "I-..Okay..who?" I ask and she slides her arms around my waist from behind and rests her head on my shoulder. "Leah no..this is gonna fuck everything up again" "I'm just answering your question..and hugging you" she says and lightly pulls me back against her. I love it but...ugh.

"Okay listen. If we want this to work you have to promise me to never tease me just for your pleasure unless you actually want a relationship with me. Other than that I don't like being played with anymore. I'm so tired of it. You know I am and not just cause of you. Reina was worst... so please.."

"Okay" she softly says and suddenly left kisses on my shoulder while still looking at me through the mirror. "Leah.."

She doesn't answer. Instead I feel her hand slide down between my legs and she starts to rub me. I lean my head back but I'm the weakest person when it comes to Leah. As much as I want to stop her right now my feels are through the roof and the butterflies are crazy. I love the feeling of her. Just her.

"Leah no.." I say which turned into a moan. "You said only if I want a relationship with you" the second she said the goosebumps shot through my skin. I bit my lip and brought my hand to her face and just let her do whatever. I don't know why but I trust her. She let out everything earlier which is why I trust her now. I just hope I won't regret it in the future. How could she suddenly want a relationship with me?

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