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Leah's pov

Jen is 30 minutes late. Almost 40. I'm waiting inside the lobby. There's workers and just my boss here. He wanted to wait with me since he didn't want me to stay alone at this time. Hopefully jen drives carefully though even though I'm mad at her now. She knew she had to pick me up at 9 I don't know why she was even with Matilda.

"So whose picking you up?" He asks me "my best friend. She's taking me out for dinner right now that's why I barely ate but now I'm starving" "oh no..well she'll hopefully be here soon. I thought you drive though?" "I do! But I was sleeping over and she wanted to take me." "What about your boyfriend? How is he?" "I-I'm not with him anymore" I say nervously. "Oh I'm sorry" "it's fine. Happened a long time ago. I'm so over him haha" "Oh okay. that's good...well.. you're beautiful..too beautiful to be single..I'm confused" he said. Confused? Why should he be confused. "Why? Women don't need a man in their life every second..what are you trying to say?" I said right away. Maybe I should've not come off on him like that. I took it the completely opposite way "no no! I mean like..you're..wow. I'm just surprised boys aren't all obsessed with you" "oohhh.." I giggle

"whoops.. I'm just not interested in them right now" I simply said and smiled then I see jens car finally pull up. "Oh she's here. Thank you for waiting!" "Of course. Be careful!" "You too. Have a good night" I tell him right before jen opens the lobby door with an umbrella. "Oh wow" I hear him say to himself as he looked at jen but we left right after. She walks me to the car and waits till I'm completely inside then went on her side. It's sweet that she did that for me since it's raining but I'm mad. I have to stay mad so she knows that it's not right if she does that again. But she does look gorgeous.

"So why'd you go to her house?" I ask breaking the silence. "I was bored.." "I just think...it's weird that you're still friends with Matilda when she's reinas cousin." "It's not like reina is there. They barely talk to reina anymore. That's the only reason why they had that huge trip because it's been forever since they bonded."

"Well...id really appreciate it if you'd hang out with her less. Just in case"


"Plus you were late. That's a bad combination"

"I didn't know it would be traffic!!"

"but you knew what time you had to be here. You didn't come at least around 9 and I had to deal with my boss hitting on me.." "he what?!" She snapped. Scary.. "well..he hit on you too" "What the fuck did he say about you? To you?"

"Pay attention to the road it's green light" I said and she pressed on the gas pedal a bit hard. Shit.. "So what did he say??"

"He only said I'm too beautiful to be single after he asked about Andrew. He didn't know we've been broken up" "so he checked you out?"

"Yes jen I didn't flirt back or anything don't worry geez" she sighs "sorry..I just..I get scared" "do you not trust me?" I ask and I think that was dumb for me to ask. "Never mind" I said "he hit on you too..that's a good thing. We are a good looking couple" "Yeah.." there was a pause. I felt bad for even asking if she trusts me.

"Anyways..You look so beautiful jen" "thank you" that's all she said with more of an annoyed tone. Sigh. I'm trying my best here. I really don't wanna fuck up again. I know this time that I want her but I'm just scared of my own actions.

We got to the restaurant and then ordered. With my luck we got a too friendly waiter. It was a good looking guy and he was just being extra nice to me.

"And I'll have fries on the side" I said finishing up my order "of course no problem we will have that right out for you" "thank you" I said "you're welcome" he says and smiles at me and only me. Like that could be normal but I felt like it wasn't just a plain smile to a customer.

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