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Jens pov

The next day after breakfast with Leah we went out to take blue for a walk. We were just talking about normal stuff but I kinda wanna bring it up to Leah that we kissed but I don't wanna tell her I kissed back cause I liked it but it'll freak her out.

"Anyways. Did anything happen last night?" Leah asks. Great.

"Well...you got drunk. I didn't really. Just a tiny bit buzzed. But I got you drunk haha. But the game we played was fun. They stayed till like 2 am but you went upstairs to go pee and then fell asleep in the middle of my bed so you didn't even come back down."

"Really? My bad!" She laughs

"Haha yeah.." I sigh and don't say anything else. But of course she senses something

"You Okay?"

"Me? Y-yeah! No I'm fine" I fake my smile. Maybe i should tell her. At least not yet. Maybe there will be a better timing in the future.
Later for lunch we went to a restaurant to eat. Everything happening right now isn't helping me with my situation. She keeps teasing me with my outfit because I look good in it which I know I do. But the kiss! It got me feeling some type of way. Who knew she was such a great kisser? And she was drunk!

"So when does reina come back?" She asks me

" the day after tomorrow "

"Oh I see...aww I won't be seeing much of you around as much anymore"

"Yes you will. We could hang out whenever. I'm not just gonna leave you like that. And you just broke up with Andrew. What kind of a friend would I be if I just didn't see you as much?"

She giggles and tilts her head "you're sweet"

I kind of breathe...weirdly? When she said that. I'm sweet? She doesn't mean the kiss I'm sure which sounds stupid but I'm just overthinking shit. Wait so does this mean I cheated on reina?? Oh shit. I just realized that. And Leah just noticed that I'm thinking about something and keeps bothering me now

"If you don't tell me what's wrong I'm leaving right now"

"You're my ride!" I say

"Well then you better start talking" she says with an attitude

"Ugh...I-I-..." I pause and look up and breathe in then look back at her but she's giving me a look that I find pleasing to me but I'm sure she's not doing it on purpose. What is wrong with me?!??


"I-...ugh...okay. Last night.. you know how you got drunk right?"


"You kissed me last night.. we made out. A lot. And now I'm realizing that I cheated on reina! I'm out here worrying she might cheat when I just cheated! Oh fuck."

"We made out?"


"It's not cheating. You're my bestfriend and I kissed you. Not the other way around"

"I-...Leah I kissed back. I kept it going. I liked it. That's cheating....oh my god"

"You..you liked it?"

I put my hand over my face as I'm embarrassed saying that. It's just too weird liking a kiss that happened between you and your bestfriend. But the thing is..she's hot. So when I think about how hot she is.. I forget we are best friends.

"I'm-..sorry" I say

"Don't be. You know what it was nothing. Don't worry. And we could just keep that between us. I was drunk. I didn't know what was happening and I was probably horny which is why I kissed you because when I'm really drunk I get horny. Don't overthink it..although I know you will"

"Yeah.." I sigh

"I'm sorry I made that move jen. It's my fault"

"No..it's fine. Don't blame yourself."

"No. Really. And I know you've told me before I'm attractive to you yes. I think the reason why it's getting to your head is cause of you thinking reina cheated. And you feel like..angry on the inside so thinking this way help build your confidence? I guess? I don't know. But since you think reina is cheating you think it would be fun and games to cheat on her so when I kissed you, you didn't stop me"

"At first I didn't no.. but then I realized it's weird so I stopped.. but I admit. You're a really good kisser. That's why I continued"

"Well you know me" she smirks

"Ugh shut up" I laugh and roll my eyes

That topic slowly fades away and we talk about other things. After lunch we went somewhere else to get ice cream for dessert. I don't know why but the line was pretty long but we waited.

"Aren't you cold?" Leah asks me. She seems cold "No. Are you?"

"Yes what the heck."

"Aw" I say then wrap my arm around her while we wait

"You're literally wearing that and you're not cold?" She says referring to my ripped skinny jeans, boots and just a thin tight long sleeve shirt showing off my boobs that are pushed up cause of my push up bra.

"Nope. Just a little bit..barely"

"You're weird"

After ice cream we get back to my place and she hangs out for a bit. "Can I come again tomorrow after work?"

"Yeah. Since I was supposed to have company tomorrow night but no because reina is sleeping over her cousins house. Ugh"

"Okay Good. I'll bring food for you"

"Oh yes pleeeease do"

"Just text me what you want tomorrow"

"Mmkay" I say. There was silence for a bit but I broke it

"Thank you for everything leah. It means so much. And I'm glad to be here for you since your break up"

" it's what I do and it's what you do. Ive has fun spending the past two weeks with you and just you."

"Me too" I smile and she hugs me as we sit on the couch. Well I'm kind of laying to the side of it so she's leaning into me. She doesn't let go and I have my arms wrapped around hers. This is comfortable though. We ended up falling asleep together. It's not helping at all with what's going through my head but I mean .. enjoy the moment while it lasts since reinas just making it worst.

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