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Leah's pov

I met up with jen outside the entrance of the building before going inside. The moment she got here she looked fine but I know she holds things in. She's good at that and not showing what's going on. It's rare that she lets loose unless it's just me and her in private and I force it out of her. She trusts me anyways. I guess she's just shy to let out her emotions.

We got inside and ordered our food then sat and started eating. It was all quiet at first but the whole point of me meeting jen her was to talk about what's wrong with her so I broke the silence.

"So how was today so far?"

"Eh..I've had better"

"Same here. It's really boring in the office this week since I don't have much to do which isn't fun at all"

"Well better than being stressed out like I am"

"True.. okay but why? What's wrong?"

"...don't tell reina please.."

"I...Okay? Who do you think I am?"

"Right..Anyways.. since she's going on vacation me and her have been talking and she knows I'm worried about her because where she's going has a lot of..hot girls.. and reina tends to check a lot out. Even when I'm with her but she does some as a joke then some realistically but then she doesn't take it so seriously cause she knows I'm with her.. but I won't be with her there when she leaves. I started asking her questions and talking about the whole trip and the question turned to me and now she thinks I'm not safe alone because I might do something. IN THOSE TWO WEEKS! Leah the same type of people will be here in the next two weeks but where she's going it's not the same people. She seriously turned my question into me so that I won't worry so much about her and then she got mad because she thinks I don't trust her which I do trust her but with the way she answering me.. deep down I can't tell if I really do trust her. Plus her parents don't even fucking like me so they wouldn't stop her if she did some dumb shit to get away from me. Fuck if they knew a hot girl theyd force her into reinas life and make her fall in love with her and break up with me" jen says and takes a sip of her soda from her straw then kind of slams it onto the table but not that hard.

"If it makes you feel better..my parents love you like a second daughter"

"Oh Shut up I know. You're not reina"

Oh wow ok lowkey rude.. but it's ok

"Haha ok well listen.. it's totally normal to worry. This is literally how me and Andrew are. But he's the one whose always mad. And now that I think about it... I barely realize that I don't worry about him if he cheats or something. But at the same time I trust him.. even though we aren't too good in our relationship now. It's processing, but you and reina are meant to be I'm sure she won't cheat if she loves you that much.. face time her when your there. It's not like you can't talk to her while she's there. As long as you talk to her while she's there she'll of course remember to handle herself and not do some stupid move. But also don't bother her too much to the point she'll get mad at you worrying like how Andrew does to me. That's a no no"

"Yeah..but like..her past Leah.. she's cheated on two of her exes and then another ex that time cheated on her. Cheating runs through all her relationships"

"Well she's learned from all that and she's gonna be a better person now. She's developing and learning how to be better and not cheat and from the looks of it... she would not wanna loose you.. you're too gorgeous to loose. She's lucky you're a lesbian because first of all you never let out one hint that you were a lesbian before you came out and two.. you have a perfect body, perfect smile, you're pretty, cute voice that everyone can fall in love with, a contagious ass laugh, an attitude.."

"I get it you think I'm little miss perfect. Thanks for being an amazing friend but reina seems to not realize those qualities about me.."

"She does jen.. I'm sure she does..you just keep thinking about it too much and now you're freaking out. Just relax..eat your tacos..and just...chill"


"If she loves you she won't cheat"

"She's a horny little freak who can't not have sex for longer than a week!"

"Ew I didn't know you were that freaky"

"I'm not! It's her! I'm just really good at..it"

"Okay I don't need know that but I'm sure you are. Anyways do not worry jen. Don't. I swear. Everything will be fine. And just remember I'll always be here for you no matter what so don't feel like you're alone.. I promise"

Jen looks down and smiles "thank you Leah...I'm so blessed to have someone like you as a best friend. My ex best friend was never like this so I didn't think it was a big deal having one but then you came around..thank god you did"

I roll my eyes "shut up stop tryna be all sweet"

"I'm serious though!"

"Yeah Yeah Okay. I guess you're okay yourself"

"Bitch" jen said making me laugh

I feel bad that jen has to be so worried cause I do understand what she's going through but she's over reacting. Guys will do anything to get her if she was single. Why would reina just let that go?

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