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Leah's pov

A Month later

Jen and I have made it through our first month as a couple. Everyone knows about us.. except my parents. Jens parents know and they're close with my parents but we asked them not to tell until the time was right and I decided I want to tell them today. I don't know how it would go. They're supportive but this is kind of different from what they'd support..

"Open your door" I text jen as I'm holding flowers, and a present. Then I'm taking her out to dinner. I hear her heels hitting against her floor from inside which sounded like a fast walk. Once she opened it my jaw dropped and she smiled so much. She's so hot..

"Wow....Happy one month" I giggled.

"Aww..hi!" She says happily and went towards me and hugged me tight which unblocked Blues' way and she ran outside. "Blue!" She yells and let's go of me and runs after Blue. "Blue get the fuck back here!" I love when she cusses. She started to run in heels following her. Blue went under the car and thought Jen was trying to play with her. "Blue! You little-" I went on the other side of the car to help and now she's trapped. Jen went on her bare knees since she's wearing a short dress and bended over to look under the car.

She somehow bribed Blue and stood up holding her in her arms. "Stop running away whenever I open the door!" She said and walked back in her house. I followed and closed the door behind me and she put Blue down.

"I'm sorry about that" "it's okay" I giggle and hand her the flowers. "Thank you" she smiles and smells them "mmm" "and here's your present. You could open it now" I say and hand that over.

Once she opens the box her mouth opens more and her eyes widen. Then she closes the box quick. "Leah!" "What? What's inside? Show me"

"I- oh my gosh" she says and opens it again. "Okay there's a gorgeous ass necklace that has my name, two palletes..the Anastasia one and a morphe pallete.."

"Mhmm and?"

"Brushes and lashes..and-" she paused and pressed her lips together and scrunched up her nose. "You've always told me how sexy you found that whenever we were at Victoria's Secret"

"Yeah" she smiles and bites her lips and pulls out the lingerie "i love it Leah"

"I'm glad you do..oh- and you look so beautiful"

She looks up and me and puts everything down and quickly goes towards me and hugs me tight. She didn't let go for a few minutes. Then I heard sniffling. I pushed her back and she looked up at me. "Baby why are you crying? It's just lingerie" I giggle "we- we made it through a month" she cries out. "Oh my- stop crying you're ruining your makeup" "I'm sorry..I'm just so happy" "good..I'm happy too because your happy"

She wipes her tears and her makeup is for sure messed up under her eyes only. I'll fix that though. She sniffed again then placed her lips on mine. She just kept slowly pecking my lips "I'm so emotional ugh. I love you" she said softly "I love you more"

She pulled back and put herself back together "I'm fucking emotional wow" she said again "it's fine. Let's Fix your face now cause reservations are schedule 10 minutes from now" "oh shit okay" she says and gets up quickly and walks fast almost running to the stairs. Her heels are so loud.
We got to the restaurant parking. I left my car for valet then me and jen walked to the nice fancy restaurant.

"Oh how nice" she says as we sit in a booth. All the tables are set up so romantically I love it. She started to look down at the menu and I just look at how pretty she is. Its unfair how good she looks but also fair that she's mine. I got my phone out and took a picture. She heard it and smiled but didn't look up.

After we ordered she put the present she got me onto the table handing it over to me.

"Open it!" She says cutely.

I do just that and pull out a customized cup with a straw. It's a type I've always wanted and jen knows that. Then I pull out a Louis Vuitton wallet and look up at jen shocked and confused. "Jennifer I- you didn't have to buy me this!"

She shrugged her shoulders " I wanted to it's fine. There's more come on!" She groans and I laugh and roll my eyes. There was makeup as well, some earrings and a box. I opened the box and it was so damn creative. It had all our pictures of us together and my heart melted. All these pictures are so cute. Some are from way before we even liked each other like that. Just as friends but we looked like we were already dating.

"Jen..you made this?" I say in awe "Yeah! Read the back!"

I turned the box around and there was writing in the back.

"One month with my bestfriend. I couldn't be more grateful. You're the light of my day and you make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. You know how to make me smile. You know how to make me happy. I never knew I'd end up with my best friend. I'm so fucking lucky that I'm with someone so beautiful, caring, loving, funny, mean and so on haha..I could go on forever but this box isn't that big... but Through thick and thin we still end up together. Fights can't keep us apart for ever.. I love you and I'll never leave you..did I mention you're beautiful? ;)"

Such cute handwriting..

I pouted and looked up at her and she smiles cutely. "Jennifer I-I-..this is so heart touching..I love it. And you. I love you too."

"I'm glad you love it" she smiles. "One question"


"Should I just wait on telling my parents?"

"Why not tonight? We could see them after dinner"

I smirked and shook my head "I'm planning on fucking you tonight soo.."

"O-oh- I- Well - you- me? Oh my- you're so hot- what? Okay let me just- mmm- okay" she stops and blushes. She didn't expect that. "fine they can wait"


The rest of the dinner turned out amazing. We talked throughout the whole time about some nonsense. It just makes me happy how perfect she is. If I could I'd always relive this night. Especially the end of the night. An amazing one month anniversary sex.

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