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Jens pov

"Leah..what're ya doing??" I ask quietly

"I know how you are when you want something.."

"Um okay? Why're you touching my face?" I giggle

"It's beautiful"

"..oh..yeah thaanks"
I like what she's doing since I do find this attractive but from her perspective.. if she was sober what would she think or do?

"We gotta get back down to the game le-"

"Fuck the game.. it's just us...." she says softly. " so...reina might be cheating right?"

"Ye-Yeah.." I sigh and look down. She pushes my head back up to look at her then her hands relax on my shoulders.

"Stop putting yourself down and forget about her for a bit." She says and I got a bit weak because I realized I really am putting myself down over thinking and shit. How is she drunk and telling me this?
"I-it's just.. I'm scared. I don't wanna break up with her but I don't wanna get hurt still in a relationship with her." I keep talking to her as if she's sober  straight into her eyes but she's listening surprisingly. I ended up ranting to her for a while. Wow
".. and I just..you know I get scared to be alone. I don't want to be alone. I wanna have a relationship because when I'm alone I feel empty. I love something that'll make my heart go crazy. Plus..I can't be single. My ass needs sex. But I'm not trying to be a hoe and fuck around with everyone.. and also I'm scared to find someone new because they'll take advantage of me. It's hard to find another girl who is lesbian and is down for you. And it's pretty hard to turn a straight girl gay. Well for me at least. Even tho I know I'm hot.. I don't get it.. but yeah. I guess I'm just sad and feel like I don't have anyone"

Leah listened to all that.

"You're a strong woman Jennifer. You don't need all that shit. I'll always be here... "

"I just wanna be back in her arms and kiss her the second she's back without thinking she cheated..but at this point..I don't give any fucks anymore. I'm so glad you've been here for me and I'm glad to be here for your breakup"

"Yeah..about that..I feel kind of vulnerable right now."

"Yeah I know..I could tell. But you'll get over I-"

I got interrupted by Leah kissing me..what the actual fuck.
Once she kissed I thought she was just going for a peck but she kept going. She was trying to make out but I didn't kiss back..well at first. But she got a bit rough in the kissing and I liked it so guess what..I kissed back. I couldn't help its but it's Leah! But she's hot.. fuck. She was so passionate in the kiss and I was too. But I had to push her back. This is weird "Leah..you're drunk." I say and she just looks at me "I'm gonna go downstairs. Hopefully have everyone go home soon since it's past midnight..come down whenever you want but don't cause a scene..cause that.. was weird"

She just looks at me and laughs

I went downstairs. The loudness went down already so I guess they just stopped playing the game. Everyone ended up leaving an hour later. I cleaned up what I could then went upstairs to take a shower. On my way up I find Leah in the middle of my bed fully asleep. She knocked out pretty quick.

I got in the shower and did my thing. And now I'm just thinking about that kiss. It's too bad I didn't get drunk cause now I'm gonna remember it forever. It's crazy how amazing the kiss was though.. like that's what I wanted and needed but..it's Leah..and now I don't know if I should tell her what happened once she wakes up tomorrow or just leave it. If I leave it then it'll just bother me even more. Ugh. But isn't this what I wanted?..like I found her attractive and I have told myself that I would date her if I had the chance if she wasn't straight and lately I've been feeling even more attraction towards her since she's single and I'm...well I don't know what I am because of reina... ugghhh. What the fuck

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