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Jens pov

"Are you crying?" Leah asks me as our faces are close together. "I-I..sorry..I've been really emotional lately"

"Can we please talk about it at your place then?"

"But-I.." she bites her lips and kisses me again and rubs my cheek with her thumb "please?" She asks "I promise you I'll make you feel better at the end of this" she whispers

"Mmkay..sure" I let out and she pulls back and starts driving. That felt intense to me.
We got to my place and sat at the counter by each other with our high stools facing each other and she made me start talking. As I talked she just looked at me the whole time but started playing footsies with me and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "You can't take things seriously can you" I say. She leaned forward and puts her hand on my thigh then stands up in between my legs. Then she puts her hands at my waist pulling me even closer against her but I'm still on the stool.

"Keep talking" She says and listens to me but slowly keeps dragging her hands at my waist. My hands were just resting on the counter and chair. My crotch is literally against her as she's between my legs and her scent from her perfume smells amazing.

"I saw Andrew today" I say softly looking down at her since she's kind of a bit shorter from up here on the stool. "And?"

"A-and..he said thanks for calling his parents that night"

"Mhmm.." she brings her hands to my thighs and starts to tease me making me blush. She smiled once she saw my little smile and I looked away.

"It's weird he's everywhere I go"


I look back at her and she's looking at my boobs "you're not even paying attention" I whine. "I am" she looks back up at me with those gorgeous eyes. I rolled my eyes and leaned into heard holding her face and kissed her. Kissing her felt good but I feel the pain deep down in my heart. I don't know what's going on here but the tension is high and I just want her in my bed even though my heart isn't that happy at the moment. I'm still emotional but I want her so bad.

She carried me off the stool and brought me to the stairs. She had me leaning back onto the railing and our make out session got even more intense.

Then we went upstairs to my room and pushed me down onto my bed. She already starting going down on me. Pushing her hands up under my top and got to my boobs causing me to take a deep breath.

I'm left in just bra and panties and so is she. We haven't gotten to the best part yet but her body is unbelievable I love it.

She started leaving kisses on my stomach til she got to my panties. She pushed my legs even farther apart than they already were. "You're so wet" she says and rubs me over my panties. "Mmm.." I moan softly and bring my hand down there too. But she pushed it away and locked her fingers with mine instead and used her other hand for the work. Once she got my panties off she slowly teased me with her tongue. I started to squeeze her hand lightly and watch her. She used her tongue to play with my clit and I felt her fingers dip inside me. "Fuck" I hiss and squeeze her hand even more. She pumped her fingers and quickly made me cum. Then she started kissing my inner thighs while using her thumb to rub my clit. I was moaning but also kind of whimpering. My heart feels sad but I love this moment right now and I don't want it to stop. Knowing all this would be gone after a few days and act like we didn't do anything today.

She went back up to my lips and kissed me like she loved me. I felt her insert her fingers again and she's still holding my hand. I kept moaning in between our kisses and she pulled back and just watched me while she kept touching me.

"You okay?" She asks but keeps going "mmm-Yeah" she started to go even faster and curl her fingers. I gasped and moaned even louder squeezing her hand even more. My eyes got watery too. Just the thought of her actually wanting to please me but I know she doesn't have as much feelings. This is all a mess but whatever. After that she pulled her fingers out and licked everything off her fingers and let go of my hand. I was just laying there covering my eyes. I didn't want her to see me about to cry but she say.

"Baby why are you so emotional??"

"N-nothing. It's fine" I say and wipe my tears and flip her onto her back and got on top of her. I kissed her aggressively that her grip of my waist loosened.

Once I got down she was so wet. I did my thing ate her out. She came twice. I knew I was being too rough on her but I don't care. My mood is going all towards her. I ended up making her legs shake it was that serious. This whole thing was just crazy cause we've never gotten this intense. I'm both mad and sad.

Now we're laying in bed. I wanted to be in her arms so I am. Dragging my fingers along her collar bone then to her neck softly. I know she's looking down at me but I'm not paying attention.

"I'm so worried about you Jennifer"


"I've never seen you cry this much"

"Can you just- Shut up about the crying for once"

"I'm sorry I just care about you. You're hurt but I still don't know why. I know what you told me earlier wasn't everything. I've been trying to figure you out but I just can't and I just feel like a horrible friend for it"

"It's honestly just some stupid thing I had in my mind. I'll get over it. I overthink things and now I'm a mess. Whatever"

"Well... can I tell you something?"


"This was amazing and I love you..even though I don't exactly know what's up I'll still be here for you. I'll never ever leave you"

I sigh and respond "I love you too" and she pulls me closer and hugs me tight and we just relax. I don't ever wanna leave her arms. She makes me feel like I'm on top of the world but at the same time I feel like my world is crushed.

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