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Jens pov

Last night I really thought me and Leah would do it but all we did was make out for a long time. It was beautiful though. She made me feel so happy and made me forget about reina. We just talked all night and that's it.

Today we went out again and ate at another tropical type of restaurant. The vibes from the restaurant was so relaxing. I was in such a great mood too so it was fun so far. The food was fancy. Like the plates were big but the food were just like three bites then you'd be done but it tasted really good and it was pricey for a small dish.

"Any room for dessert?" Our waitress asks us and hands us a menu for the desserts. Me and Leah look through it as the waitress left to give us some time.

"Oo I think I want this one. The upside down cake with ice cream on top and caramel drizzle" Leah says "that sounds good!"

"What're you gonna get?" She asked me "Ima just get pizookie with the toasted marshmallow and ice cream. It looks more fancy so hopefully it's good"

"So much sugar" Leah giggles.

After ordering our desserts then waiting for it to be made we finally received it.

We both took a scoop of our dessert and boy was it good. I closed my eyes while slowly enjoying it.

"Mmm..fuck that's yummy" Leah groans. I look up at her and smirk a little automatically. "You like it?" I ask "I love it! Lemme try yours" she says scoops my dessert. She puts the spoon into her mouth filled with the chocolate and ice cream and once she processed the taste she looked right at me and her eyes widened "oh fuck. That's really good" she says and gets another scoop "Hey!" I raise my voice and giggle "stop eating my dessert" "here try my dessert"
Leah pushes her plate a little towards me and I just blush because of my dirty mind I took that a different way. I take a scoop and look at her and she watches me. So I decide to take the bite in a more sexual way making sure my tongue was visible. I slowly took it off the spoon going into my mouth still looking straight at her then I smiled. She was giving no facial expression so I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Then she looked at my spoon.. then my mouth then back at my eyes then back at my lips catching me lick my own lips. I got goosebumps doing that because I had so much confidence looking right at her as I did all that. Then I smiled cutely. "Your dessert tastes so good!" I say and she smiles and rolls her eyes.

"But no seriously. This is good. We should come back here again before we leave to go back home"

"Yea we should since it wasn't too pricey"

"Oh..how much was yours?" I ask "around 15 dollars."

"That's a lot for dessert damn"

"Well how much was yours?"

"Actually I don't know. It didn't show on the section I looked at"

"Oh okay"

"So what do you wanna do after this? We have already done a lot so I'm running out of ideas"

"I kind of just wanted to chill st the house. It's so nice it feels fun just staying there"

"Mmkay we can do that"

The waitress comes with the check and leah is paying for it. We fought about this earlier and she won. She looked at the check for a while then suddenly gasped. "Jennifer!"

"What?" I say with an attitude but also I'm confused.

"You fucking- look" she hands me the check and I didn't see it right away but once I did I panicked "shit.."

"You really got a 40 dollar dessert"

"How is this 40?! This isn't that fancy. I mean it's fancy but...40?!"

"Well it's $39.95 but still. What the hell"

"I'm sorry...I-I'll pay for the dessert"

Leah sighed and took the check out of my hand right away "no it's fine I'll pay" she says sounding more bummed out and puts her card on top and gives it to our waitress.

"I'm sorry Leah! I didn't know"

"It's okay. I should've known and told you since I know you order without even looking at the price you fatass"

I scrunched up my nose but in guilt "you're right. Sorry...I'll pay you back I promise"

"It's fine hun seriously no biggie. I'm just.. surprised"

Now I feel guilty. My fatass didn't look at the price. How the hell is a dessert that amount?? I mean it was a good size and tasted amazing and fancy but...I mean it could've been 25 dollars instead at least.

We got back to the house and just chilled. We kind of explored the house more because I'm sure there's parts we haven't seen yet.

I looked around with her and there's this room for the kids and it's really creative. You wouldn't be able to tell right away if this room was for kids or an adult because it's so organized. The bunk beds were big and there was a section on the other wall for their dress and huge mirror that was marble around it. Really modern type. I wouldn't mind living here at all. It's so beautiful. The carpet was a light cream color and there were no stains at all. How is this my sisters house?? Damn

I looked at myself in the mirror as I see Leah through the mirror looking at the bunk beds
"I've always wanted this if I ever had kids" she says. Then keeps walking around till she gets to the mirror too. She knows I'm checking myself out. Especially my ass. She laughs and puts her hand on my ass while looking at it in the mirror which made me laugh too.

Then I bump her away with my hips and leave the room.
"Bitch" she giggled

I walked over to a window which had a perfect view outside. There was a ledge on the side so I sat on top of it and just relaxed while looking out the window.

"Jen where'd you go?" Leah asks looking around "right here mama"
She comes over and looks at the view "wow..so gorgeous"

"I know right? I love this view"

"No you..you're gorgeous. The moonlight is hitting your skin well haha" she giggled nervously. "Aww..well..thank you."

She leaned onto the ledge of the window by my feet
"Come sit!" I say pointing with my foot to sit across from me and she listens. Now we are facing each other. I starts playing with her feet while she looked outside. She looked like she was in a music video..so pretty. It was so quiet and I enjoyed it and when we talked our voices were more quiet and soft. Especially hers.. I liked it

"Yay this is fun"

"Yeah.." she says still looking out the window. I bite my lip and smirk and keep bothering her with my foot onto her leg. She looked at me and furrowed her brows. "Soooo.." she says and squints her eyes but I know she's confused still. "You look really beautiful as well" I told her "oh thanks..although that was late"

"Mm..well I guess I took up that time to adore your beauty"

"Ugh. You're corny" she blushed and looked back outside. Her legs were bender up closed together just like mine. But she looked like a fucking snack tonight. And I have her all to myself in this huge house.

I go forwards towards her pushing her legs apart and crawling in between. She doesn't say a word. She looked at me then looked back out the window. We both know there's some type of tension going on here and she's trying to be innocent about it but I know..I just know she's up for anything during this trip.

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