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Leah's pov

We all sat down at our booth. Jen and I sat next to each other and my mom sat across.

"Mom listen. Me and jen-"

"You two were making out and talking to each other like you two fuck on a daily basis..what's going on here?"

"I'm trying to tell you!" I raised my voice and jen looks at me.

"Vicky..I'll explain. It's too hard for leah to. I already know how it would go so here. I'll make it short...." she paused "...so...Leah and I have been best friends for years..you know that. We helped each other throughout that time. Then when we broke up with our last partner..things took a turn.. and we fell in love..at first it didn't turn out great because actually I was the only one in love with her then we broke up and got back together...."

"We've been together for 8 months" I chime in

"8?!" She says slamming her hands on the table


"Why did you hide this from me? Jen does your mom know?"

"She's okay with me dating girls already. But I told her a while ago about Leah because I know she would take it easier. She's happy for us because she knows Leah and doesn't have to worry about some new random girl stepping into our life...me and Leah are like..really in love. It's serious."

"Mom. It was hard enough for me to come out to people but people found out before I even said anything"

"Geez I wonder how. Maybe you two were caught making out" she says sarcastically "If you don't like this arrangement don't talk to me ever again" I say and was about to get out of the booth but jen holds onto my arm stopping me

"No- Leah...gosh" my mom sighs "I'm happy for you two. It's just I did not expect this at all. Like.. you two have been together for 8 months? You could've told me earlier..way earlier"

"Vicky she was scared to" jen says "yeah but Leah honey..I'm your mom. I'll always support you. You know that. I knew there was something up. I just didn't know you'd become girlfriends"

I sigh and look down

"We decided we finally had to tell you since we moved in together"

"Oh..you did?" My Mom says more calmly "Yeah..just today we finished everything" "well- that's good. I'm..proud of you guys"

"Are you really? I don't have time for the fake shit"

"I'm serious Leah and jen I'm happy for you two. I see a perfect match. I'm just really shocked but I'll get over it. At least Leah isn't bringing in a new boy into my life"

Jen giggled and leans her head on my shoulder. "I'm so proud of Leah and I promise you I won't make her disappointed."

"Right right..so like- how do you two do that lesbian shit? Leah knows nothing about that considering how much of a hoe she was back in the days"

"Mom! I was not a hoe. I just partied a lot with friends!"

"I know I'm joking" she laughs

"I thought her everything well" jen says to my mom and smirks and looks at me "she improved so much" she continues

"You're lucky I'm super closer with Leah like a bestfriend. I know your mom would've yelled and made a scene if you said that type of stuff to her"

"Haha I know. Whoops" jen says

The rest of the lunch turned out well. Once we finished and went outside to talk a little more then said our goodbyes, my mom hugged jen then handed her 200 dollars in cash. My eyes widened.

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