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Leah's pov

I wake up in jens arms. Whoops. How'd that happen. Oh right.. nevermind. Honestly I feel like me and jen are dating. It feels nice though but it's weird. And I know I'm not helping her feelings situation but it's funny cause she's not helping the fact that I'm kind of finding her more than attractive. Its weird. I just have this funny feeling in me. It's probably cause I'm single and she's just .. I don't know what she is with reina. Guess we will figure out when she's back. Watch it'll probably be fine. Watch her have not cheat on jen at all and jen looses all the small feelings for me and I'm left dumb founded.

I look up at her and she's still asleep. That was a nice nap though but I gotta go home

"Hey jen" I whisper

"What" she mumbles

"Ima go home now"

"Noo.." she mumbles with her eyes closed and holds me tighter and I let out a small laugh "mama I have to. It's 11"

"Sleeep over"

"I have no clothes"

"I do"

"No- Jennifer come on" I giggle

"Leah just sleep over I'm tired and I don't feel like being alone" she complains with an attitude

"Okay. Fine. Can we at least go to your bed?"


"Oh my go- jen stop complaining"
She finally opens her eyes.
"Jen stop complaining" she mocks me with a voice. I somehow get her up to her room and she goes straight to sleep.

The next day I'm driving her to work. We aren't late this time. We got to get her usual Starbucks in the morning before work too.

"How does it feel wearing some of my work clothes?"

"Eh..not much of a difference. We are about the same size"

"So you're coming tonight?"

"Yeah. I have to pick you up and I'll just stay"

"Can we go out?"

"Sure..where would you like to go?"

"The mall?"

"I'm gonna be broke again"

"Don't buy anything! I just wanna walk around with you"

"Okay then sure"

Once I got in front of jens building I parked and she got her stuff together ready to get out

"I'll be here 4:30 tops" I say

"Okay" she smiles and grabs her coffee in the cup holder. Then she leans in for a hug and we hug then I watch her leave going towards her building. Then she turns back to see if I'm still here and she waves and smiles cutely. She's so cute..
Throughout the day jens been texting me about stuff happening in the office. Like drama. She just rants about it to me all the time. I told her about the new assistant I have and she seems to not like him already because I told her how he seems like some rookie who doesn't know what to do but I'm letting him slide. This is his first week. After a few weeks if he's still like this then ima have to do something about this.

Later on in the day I found out that I'm having a last minute meeting at work. Meaning I won't be at jens Work the time I told her. Shit. Better go call her.


"Hey Leah! How are you?"

"Good and you?" I say and bite the end of my pen kind of nervously. "Good. I'm just Excited to go shopping tonight"

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