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Leah's pov

I'm leaning back biting onto my lip as I watch her be all cute. There was a moment where we made eye contact and I motioned my finger to make her come over to me. Once she did I crash my lips onto hers causing her to moan.
After a few seconds she pulled back and smiled still close to my face "aw someone's in the mood"

"Well I mean you can't just grind onto me and expect me to not think anything about it"

"Mmm..well" she kisses me again. I feel her hands go down my sides then to my ass and she squeezed it while pulling me even closer.
She brought her hand in front and lowered it down and started touching me.

"Wait wait we're gonna do this in here? Your sisters jacuzzi?"

"We already did it by the window so" she shrugged her shoulders and inserts her fingers in me. "O-okay but-mmm" she watches my facial expressions then went faster. She made me cum twice then decided we should take this to the long stretch chairs that they lay by the poolside that you can lay on.

As much as I tried holding my moans I couldn't. But I mean I guess it's okay because the houses aren't that close to each other. I'm loving every second of this right now.

I'm on top of jen looking down at her after making her cum. She's dragging her fingers along my thighs that are on both sides of her. "I swear this is so...naughty"I say. I'm not used to this level doing it out in a backyard of a nice ass house that's not even ours in the Bahamas by the beach. "Are you always like this?" I ask "Well I mean..no..well sometimes. If the moment is good"

"I really thought you were more innocent than this before"

"I am! Just...like I said. If the moment is right then..there" she shrugs her shoulders and looks to her right. She reaches over for her bikini that was on the table and gets mine too. "Go shower. Ima have the people make food for us I'm hungry"

"Okay" I say and lean down to kiss her and she goes with it, cupping my face then roughly pushes me away after. I look at her and she just laughs. "So do we get charged for the food service or is it free?"

"My sister pays them"

"Oh. Now I feel bad"

"No it's fine she offered this so it's fine haha"

A Few days later, we had one more crazy..hot night after a dinner but that's it. The last few days were just normal but this whole trip got me and jen even closer than we even were. Feelings wise..

We are on the plane now going back home. I was minding my own business going on my laptop to do some work that I should've tried to do at least for a day during the vacation but I didn't but I don't regret it. Jen leaned her head on my shoulder and just watched what I was doing till she'll fell asleep. She kept bobbling her head around though because she was trying to keep herself up but she couldn't. I pushed her gently off and let her sleep with one of my neck pillows I brought since I didn't need it right now then continued to work.

Once we landed we had her sister drop us off at jens place. I stayed for two hours then I got ready to leave

" come hang with me tomorrow" jen says having her arms over my shoulders and pulling me close.

" I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow"

"Grocery shopping?" She says with exaggeration "why buy food when you have me to eat?" I raise my brows as we just wobble around. She keeps pulling me into her and I could tell she really just wants to kiss me. "Come with me shopping then. We could drop it off at my house then do whatever afterwards. I really have no more food at home and I planned getting shit when I get back"

"Okay okay I'll go with youuu" she says then kisses me "I had so much fun with you"

"I did too baby"
The second I said baby she melted. She's getting attached to me which is a problem for me and her girlfriend. I love jen and I'm getting a tiny bit of feelings for her but she's going crazy over me. I just hope I don't break her heart. I still don't fully know about this lesbian side of me.

I started to go out the door and she kicked my ass and I turned around and flipped her off "call me when ur home"

"I will" I smile. She makes my heart happy I guess

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