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Leah's pov

What happened last night..I do not regret. I missed all that. Those moans are unforgettable too. I can't believe she hasn't hooked up with anyone after me. I feel bad that I have already but I guess she doesn't mind? I don't know. She looked so pretty last night I had to make a move but I know it was stupid and I probably fucked her mind up again. It may seem like I don't care about the shit I do but I do care. It's just I'm stupid about my decisions. But I do wanna try and put an effort to all this. I do like jen it's just that I'm not in love with her at the level that she's in love with me. The vibe last night just made me want to do stuff and I feel bad cause I know jen easily gets weak especially from me and the fact that she's been moping around about me ever since we ended things makes it worst for her. She's been thinking about me for that long, she's probably emotionally confused. Happy and sad and annoyed and mad. Happy because I'm back. Sad because she may be scared. Annoyed because we did things too fast when we barely made up. Then mad because she didn't stop me.

I know how jen is. She hasn't texted me yet but I don't want things to be awkward between us so I invited her for dinner tonight and she happily agreed.

Once she got outside my house I opened my front door for her and she was shy? But also happy. It was cute.

"Heyyyy come in!" I say and she listens and comes in. After I closed the door I turn around and she just slowly walks around not knowing what to do. It's been so long since she last came here.

"Food smells good" she says "oh thanks! It'll be ready in 10 minutes so just..make yourself at home" I smile. I continued to cook but she stayed with me in the kitchen sitting on the stools by the counter on her phone. It was way too quiet in here though. I just hear her nails tapping against her phone screen and my cooking. Who is she even texting?

A little after in the middle of the silence except the sizzling of the food, I heard her camera shutter. I didn't turn around quick but i turned around. She quickly looked down at her phone but I caught her.

"So what..are you my photographer?" I joke. "I-I didn't take a picture of you"
Liar. I walked over to her side and she hides her phone "lemme see" I say "it's nothing!" She says and starts laughing " why are you laughing then?" "I-I..I always laugh! You know that" she says continuing to laugh and looks down at my lips at seeing me smile. Then she focuses again back to my eyes. "Leah I didn't take a picture of you..chill" "show me then, what it was."

She slowly brought her phone back up and I snatched it from her hand. I read the caption. She was on Snapchat sending it to her sister. It said "she's cooking me a meal..I wish she was my meal". When I read that in my head I blushed and I looked at jen and she was covering her face. "Me and my sister were joking!" She says "yeah yeah okay sure" I say and give her phone back and walk back to my cooking "post that on your story and you're dead!" I hear her laugh and it was a cute laugh "I won't. Don't worry"

I served her dinner and it turned out awkwardly quiet. She kept going on her phone while we ate because of her sister snap chatting her.

"Are you guys talking about me?" I ask to cut the silence "n-no?" "We May be starting fresh with this whole thing we have but I still know you" I giggle "you're lying" she puts her phone down and looks at me "not everything is about you Leah" she says acting like a smart ass. "Okay...says the one whose obsessed with me" "I-...never mind" she sighs and continues to eat. That's what I thought.

After dinner we sat at the couches and watched TV. Well.. none of our attention was there. We just kept talking. We were both facing each other and it's like I'm falling for her all over again. She can't stop blushing and laughing. I loved spending time with her.

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