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Leah's pov

Jens been acting so weird lately. It's been a few weeks. She barely texts me and gives short answers when I ask her something. I don't know if I did anything wrong. I asked her if she's going through something and all she says is that its " nothing you can fix" she tells me everything though which is why I'm so worried. That other night I took her out I thought it would make up for not seeing each other in a while and she seemed quite happy till the end. I don't know what happened there.

The only person I know I can talk to about jen for her personal problems is her sister. Not even her mom because I feel like she wouldn't know what's wrong.

I texted her sister and she immediately responded after I said " hey. Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if jen is doing okay. I've been talking to her but she's acting different with me."

"What do you mean?"

" like she doesn't send much to me anymore if we text. We hang out less and I know she's hiding something from me because she tells me everything."

"Oh, well I can go talk to her and ask what's up"

" Yeah please? But don't tell her I asked. And let me know"

"Yeah okay I'll text you right away"

"Thank you so much. And also the Bahamas. I'm sure jen told you already but again thank you for that"

"No problem! And she told you about the cameras right?"

"Yeah I know. This is awkward but whatever. You're her sister. But oh also that's the thing. I think that's why she's being different because of what we did the whole time there. After that I tried being distant with her but just wanted to stay as friends. But she said she was fine so I don't know"

"Aww.. well don't forget when she falls in love, she falls in love. It's rare that she easily falls for someone but if your caught in her love it's just crazy"

"I know :("

We just kept texting about the whole thing.
Jens pov

I'm helping my sister out today with some party set up for who knows what. I don't know exactly what it is I just know it's a nicely themed party. She get hired to set up for parties too. That's not her main job. She has a much bigger well paying job but she also does this because she's really creative but needed my help so here I am.

After putting up the last set of balloons and decorations on the table some of the early comers got to the party. We of course ignored them cause we don't know them.

"Okay that's all I think. Look around to make sure and I'll put these things away" my sister says and I do just that. I walked around checking on everything and getting my purse on the way since we were leaving.

"Jennifer" I hear someone call my name and turn around and it's Andrew? Oh great.

"A-Andrew! Hi..how are you?"

"I'm great.. recovering but almoSt done with it. You?"

"Good..good" I just smile and it got a bit awkward

"I have to get going but nice seeing you again all in one shape"

"Yeah. Thank you guys for calling my parents that night"

"Of course. No problem" I say and it was another few awkward seconds but I just smile and leave. I swear I always see him places it's getting too weird. He's part of this party?

I walk out going to the car and see his family walking over here towards the party. Shit. I looked down at my phone the whole time and hoping my hair covers my face. I don't wanna talk to them. They'll ask me about me and then they'll ask me about Leah and I don't even know how to answer a question about Leah anymore.

I finally got to the car where my sister was and we left.


"Yeah sure" I say. We head to the closest restaurant by Leah's house. Yeah Leah not mine. Ugh I don't even wanna be in her area but I love this restaurant but it gives me memories of this one night we had.

Once we got to the restaurant I was walking behind my sister and she got a table right away. Once we got to our table Leah was there.

"What the-" I pause and look at leah and then my sister.


"Hi Leah.." I'm very confused and she seems confused too. This was a set up by my sister I bet.

I sat on my sisters side of the booth. Making no eye contact with Leah at all as we all talked. But then at some points I did and when I did it would be a quick second cause I'd get scared and just look away.

"So you invited me to lunch to talk but brought jen too?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask

"Nothing. I just didn't know you were coming"

"I didn't know you were gonna be here"

"Look I wanted to talk to both of you guys okay?" My sister says. "You two aren't being the same anymore and it scares me because you two have been friends for the longest time and now you two just split like nothing.

"We aren't married" I joke

"I'm talking about split as friends. I know you two had feelings for each other at some point after talking to both of you guys. Jen, you keep hiding your thoughts and leah doesn't even know what's going on because you don't tell her things like you used to."

"I..There isn't anything wrong." I say and stretch my legs out but accidentally kick Leah. I didn't say anything and quickly pulled it back but I know she looked at me.

"You're mad at me" Leah says

"I'm not..why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know but I know there's something that you're not telling me. Jen I know you so well I'll find out eventually"

"You won't"

"How are you so sure?"

"I just know you won't find out"

"Well whatever I did can you forgive me? I really am sorry. I just wish I knew what it was..."

"Honestly it's nothing that big.. Im just sensitive."

"Ima leave you two alone. Text me when you get home jen"

"Wait what?" I say and my sister leaves me with leah "how am I supposed to get home She was my ride what the fuck" I say and cross my arms still not looking at Leah "I can take you home"

"No..it's fine I'll just Uber home"

"Jen please.."

I look up at her then looked away.
"I miss the old days where we would just be together all the damn time"

I didn't answer and she decided not to talk anymore. We just ordered, received our food and Leah paid once again. I feel bad that she paid but I'm in no mood to stop her from paying for my meal.

We got in the car and I went straight to my phone texting and spamming my sister. She's such a bitch for this.
"You're such a bitch you know that? You know I have feelings for Leah after what I told you the other day. She feels nothing obviously and acts like nothing happened in the past. Now I wanna cry again thanks to you for leaving me alone with her. All I am to leah is just a-"
Before I could finish typing her hands pushes my face to look at her and she immediately kisses me so passionately. And there I go again..forgetting about everything and fall for her even more cause her kiss is that effective.

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