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Jens pov

"Yeees we will be there" I say happily through the phone talking to my friend Matilda about her party next week. "You seem happy"

"I'm just excited to go to the party"

"Riiiight. don't forget its formal. Dress pretty! Even though you already do"

"Of course! I'll remember. See you next week!" I say and she replied then we hang up. After hanging up I see a message notification from Leah.

"You home?"


"What're you doing right now?"

She didn't reply but left me on read so I texted again "why? Wyd?" "Can you check if I left my wallet in your car? If so I'll come pick it up"

"Oh yeah sure"
I went to get my keys from the kitchen counter then went to my front door since I parked out on the street since my old car is taking up the driveway at the moment. Once I opened my door looking down at blue following me she ran outside right away.

"Blue! Stay!" I demanded and looked up and saw Leah. She was holding a bag of food from my favorite fast food and a cup holder holding both mine and her drinks. "H-hi!" I say with surprise and smiled so much. "I was around the neighborhood and thought why not go over to your house and hang out"

"And bring me food?"

"Yes. For both of us" she giggles. I attempted to hug her but I might make her drop everything so I let her in the house first. Blue was right behind her which is probably why she ran out because Leah was here.

"Did you still need your wallet?" I say "girl I was the one whose been driving you a lot recently. How would I leave it in your car?"

"Oh..right" I laugh "You're so dumb" she giggles and puts everything down as I closed my front door. I walked over to Leah as she starts digging instead the bag.

"Blue move!" I say and push her away with my foot "Why're you so mean to her?" "I'm not that mean" I say "Yeah but you always yell at her" "I'm just happy you're here surprising me" I say getting closer to her from behind.

"You're welcome" she says and takes out the food individually but I stop her and face her my way then lean in more till she's against the counter. "What" she says softly and smiles looking down at my lips. I put my arms over her shoulders and smiles back having my face close to hers. "You're so cute" I say. "You're ok" she replies and I pout "just kidding gorgeous" "aww" I smile and kiss her slowly.

"Mmm..you taste like..strawberries" I say and lick my lips. "My chapstick" "mmm.." I let go and helped with the food and we brought it over to the table by the couch and turned on the tv.
"What movie?" I ask "how about that one horror movie" "Mmm..well you can get out of my house now" I joked "I'm kidding!! Damn" she giggled "I'm kidding too but I don't want scary"
"You choose a movie" I did just that then we ate while watching. But then later instead of watching we had a conversation about the most random things. It went from getting our nails done together especially our toes because we were playing footsies again from opposite sides of the couch. For a minute we had the bottoms of our feet on each other's feet and I pushed onto her so she put some weight back onto me and it felt like a slow fight. I brought her feet up with mine in the air which had her legs apart so I looked down and playfully lightly used my other foot and poked her with my toe in between her legs and she immediately kicked me off the couch. I'm just weird and she likes bullying me.

Then we also talked about our past how we used to always make fun of each other. We also talked about how we used to play fight but that ended up coming back to reality and now we are making out after laughing about it.
"Now you taste like.." I paused and looked away and thought about it as I'm on top of Leah "..fries" I giggle and look back down at her and she smiles "You're so fucking weird" she says and pushes me off. The rest of the day she stayed here and I'm so happy she did. She said she had nothing to do today.

Now we are going to the dog park for blue. Of course that Rick guy is here. I mean he's cool and all that but Leah and him..it bothers me a lot and I'm obviously jealous. He's sitting with us now at a bench talking to Leah but I'm in between. But I'm purposely acting like a child tryna to interrupt them a lot.

"Jen..can you like-" she paused and just made a face at me. "I'm getting hungry again and tired"

"Oh I've been wanting to ask if you'd guys like to join me for dinner" he chimes in "Oh there see jen we can eat" Leah says and inside I just wanna roll my eyes.. "k" I say and sit back with blue on my lap and they continue to talk for 15 more minutes then we leave. We met him at this restaurant near by. I'm sitting on Leah's side of course and I'm not having it right now. The more she talks with him the more I get jealous and she knows that but she told me she's just "being friendly" but he doesn't know that.

"Oh hold up I've gotta run to the men's room" he says and excuses him self

"The men's room? He's that person?" I say to Leah "Jennifer stop being so stubborn I'm legit just being friendly."

"He doesn't fucking know that" I say and cross my arms "jen listen..stop worrying. I'm really getting annoyed how you kept interrupting everything. I know what you're doing just stop"

I just stared at her then looked away. She's annoyed by me? Oh how nice.

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