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Jens pov

Weeks passed by so quick and I'm feeling a bit better. Yeah I was really emotional and half of it was cause I just broke up and the other half was cause of Leah but she's been showing me so much love lately and we started to see each other more. I just feel like we're more than just messing around. We even say I love you to each other but we are best friends too

I invited her to the party I'm going to next week. It's a formal party so we have to dress really nice and I can't wait cause I haven't felt pretty in forever. Yeah Leah tells me I'm pretty but i don't feel like I am so this is my chance to feel good about myself.

Today me and Leah are going out to watch a movie then go eat then go do whatever. We didn't really plan except go watch a movie and eat.

We got to the movies and we planned on watching a scary movie. Leah loves them. I think they're okay but I get scared easily so fuck.

"Wanna sit all the way on top?"

"Yes! Cause I don't want the people who sit behind us to get disturbed" I say as we walked to the top and sit

"Why's that?"

"I might get scared"

"Oh okay"

I giggle cause I know I'm not just gonna sit and watch the movie.

"Oh great we got a tall person in front of me" I say as this guy sits in the chair in front of me
"I could see perfectly here. Wanna switch?"

"No it wouldn't be fair to you"

"It's okay I don't mind"

"No this movie is for you. Don't worry I won't see the scary shit right away then"

"That's true haha"

The movie went on and I'm already starting getting scared. The jump scares were the worst that now I'm holding onto Leah probably cutting off her blood circulation from her arm.
"You're so cute but stop getting scared"

"Bitch that fucking doll got some problems possessing and shit" I whisper and it made Leah laugh "shuush" I groan to leah. Her laugh is pretty great I love it.
I had another jump scare and quietly squealed and Leah covered my mouth and laughed.
"Jen that wasn't even the scary part"

"I don't like this" I say and bury my face into her chest. She let me stay like that and she just played with my hair while watching. Then I sat back normally after a few minutes and didnt pay attention to the movie at all. Instead Leah was but I held onto her hand and started playing with her fingers. I locked hers with mine and then just fiddled around. Then I brought her fingers up to my mouth and playfully lick it just a little bit and she looked at me pulling her hand away. She giggled and pushed my face away then continued watching the movie. Everytime I would try now to get close to her face she would push me away gently making me laugh and so was she. Someone got annoyed by us though and shushed us.

"Fucking jen. You see?"


"How come when we are at home watching a movie you stay still but at the movie theater you like to bother the whole world"

"Shut up" I laugh and poke her cheek

"You're such a child just watch the movie"
Leah's pov

Jen stayed still for a good 20 minutes but she kept getting scared. She's holding onto me again its so cute.
Later on I realized jen was for sure not paying attention to the movie. She wanted attention from me. She kept touching my thigh and just lowkey teased me. It's weird that's she's always in the mood. Am I just that good at it? Was Reina not that good?

"How much longer till this movie is done?" She asks me as I was so into the movie. "Baby I don't know why?"

She got close to me and started whispering into my ear. I thought it would be short but it was long. I was so shocked and turned on after what she said and then she just sat back properly in her seat like it was nothing. I kept quiet and tried to focus back on the movie but I just kept thinking about what she said. I leaned onto the arm rest and bit my nail crossing my legs and watched the movie. I couldn't keep still though.

Jen put her hand softly on my cheek then squished it to be all cute. It I slapped her hand away and I heard her laugh. I couldn't take it. Now I'm just focused on what she said and can't even enjoy the movie. Then she had put her hand at my thigh and then moment she did I had enough. I stood up and held her hand pulling me with her out of the theater. I pushed the exit door hard and walked to the parking lot.

"Leah I can't walk that fast"

"Should've thought about that before you started seducing me into this shit"

We got to the car. I unlocked the door and walked to my side then I see jen follow me on my side

"What now?"

she smirks and opens the back door.
"We still have to go eat somewhere that we planned for after the movie.."


"I'm not going home first then out again"

"Why? We could just go back-"

"Leah my point is I'm trying to fuck you in the backseat of your car!" She laughs out. I rose my brows and she pulled me towards her "remember what I said?" She whispers and bites onto her nail.
I groaned and rolled my eyes then looked back at her but her look was so distracting I couldn't take it anymore.
"Fine" I sat and she gets excited and pushes me back into the back seats of my car. This girl is always in the mood.

Merry Christmas Eve guys!!❤️🎄🎅🏼

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