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Leah's pov

I wake up the next morning. Same bed as jen of course but she's cuddled with me? She was probably scared and needed comforting. She did say she wanted reina last night. Oh well. It's 6:30 am so I gotta get up for work and so does she.

"hey" I whisper "get up jen" she just groans and moves a little but her head ended up somehow on my arm so I can't move. "Jennifer it's 6:30 am and you have work"

"One-one minute" she says

"Jen no I take long to get ready and so do you"

"I'll be fiiiine" she mumbles

Whatever. I just let her sleep till 6:50. I'm that nice at least I gave her more than five minutes but she's gonna be so grouchy.

"Okay wake up for real now I gotta get ready mama"

"I don't wanna go to work I'm scared"

"You- why?"

"I had dreams.."

"Ugh..jen I-" I sigh "I'll take you to work then. You don't have to drive. Is that fine?"

"But then you'll be late"

"I'll just dress up quick and look ugly today. It's fine just get ready now"

"You're already pretty" she mumbles with her eyes closed. I automatically smiled.

"You are too so I think you shouldn't put makeup and just get dressed before I actually do get late"

"I'm sooo tired leah. I'll just call in sick"

"Nope" I say and push her and make her get up forcefully and I succeeded

"Oh my gosh" she groans and take her bun apart leaving her hair to flow down. It was a messy but attractive look.. wow

She got out of the sheets and stood up and i raise my brows up
"Where did your sweats go?"

"Oh it got hot so I took them off"

"Oh I see haha.. won't reina be mad if she knew you were like this when she's not around?"

"It's not like I'm cheating on her. Plus you're my bestfriend plus it's just me in a sweater and panties. You've seen me half naked so.."

"True.. okay get ready!" I say pretending like it's not bothering me but it is. But in a good way..she's right I have seen her half naked and yeah I've found it appealing to look at but today is just..different? She's really hot honestly.
Jen ended up dressing up nicely and I was 15 minutes late to work. I guess it's fine but i swear. The things I do for her.

During work I checked in with Andrews family without jen knowing. I have to know. So far they said that he's all bruised up and the only major thing is a broken bone. Everything else is just scratches and bruises. I'm surprised that was all after seeing pictures of the accident. But I mean I'm glad he's ok. It would've been nice to have visited him but.. I would've just ended up falling in love and feeling bad and then end up miserable again and I don't want that. Not today.
Jens pov

So I've been texting Leah and she finally agreed to go on vacation with me. I'm so excited. We will go by the end of this month. All we have to do is pay for the plane tickets because my sister is covering everything else. She owed me for something I did for her.

Now I'm texting reina. She barely texted me back now after I texted her last night but I'm not happy. I'm mad. She was posting shit on Snapchat last night after I texted her. She was at a club with her cousins. I bet she cheated. I'm so damn sure she did knowing her and her weak ass when she sees pretty girls when I'm not around. She even checks some out when I am around which is pretty annoying but she thinks I don't take it seriously. So yay more stress. This is bad. Me and Leah and gonna end up throwing attitudes at each other since our weeks have both been so crazy.

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