you know me better |g| pt. 2

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summary : in which grayson believes you're cheating on him and his accusations lead to something worse.

You were zooming down god knows what street. The constant flow of your tears making it difficult to see the road clearly.

Grayson's words just kept replaying again and again in your brain. Grayson is always photographed with different beautiful girls and you never thought anything of it because you trust him.

How could he not trust you? After being together for so long he thinks you would do such a thing to him? It hurt.

You were now far enough from the apartment that he couldn't reach you, unless he was right behind you. You took a deep shaky breath and shut your eyes for a split second. After you opened your eyes you wiped the tears that still fell. You started to slow down from going so fast but apparently you didn't slow down fast enough. Next thing you know, your car is thrown off the road and down a ditch.

grayson's pov :
It's been past 2 hours and (Y/N) still hasn't returned any of my calls. I tried to track her phone using the find my iPhone app but I guess her phone was turned off.

I grab my keys and I'm about to walk out the door when my phone rings. I look at the unknown number and I decide to answer it because (Y/N) could've borrowed someone's phone.

"Hello is this Mr. Dolan?" A woman's voice is heard on the other side. "Yes , and who is this?" I replied. "Hi my name is nurse Reynolds, I'm calling from The North Medical Hospital center ER. Ms. (Y/L/N) was brought in about 20 minutes due to a terrible car accident and you are the first on her emergency card so please come down as soon as possible."

And with that she hung up. It's as if my whole world came crashing down. Not only did I get in a huge fight with the love of my life but I'm also the reason she ran off and ended up in an accident.

I screamed in pain and frustration. At a speedy pace I grab my keys and run out of the apartment. So fast, I almost forget to lock the door. The hospital was 15 minutes away but I ended up getting there in 9. The entire ride was filled with panic. Every second passing by, (Y/N) could be getting in a worse condition.

I find a parking next to the entrance and I rush to the lobby. My breathing was unstable and my entire body was shaking with fear.

"Hello" I stammer to the lady at the front desk. "Yes sir how may I help you?" They lady tries to talk in the calmest manner possible in hopes to calm me. "I received a call, my girlfriend (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was brought in due to a car accident"y hands clutch at the table. "Please I need to see her" I beg. "I'm sorry sir, Ms. (Y/N) was brought in in very critical condition and she's currently in surgery. You may wait in our waiting room until further notice" The lady pointed to the dull colored room with many chairs and magazines. "Okay thank you, please let me know when she's available, I will be in there the whole time." I reassure her before I make my way into the waiting room.

I sat there in silence for 15 minutes and then it really hit me. The love of my life was in a car accident and the last thing I told her was that she was a liar, a cheater and worst of all, a slut. I didn't even allow her to explain, my stupid anger consumed my emotions and I didn't stop to think about her side of the story.

The tears were like constant waves of tsunamis just flowing through my eyes. Pretty soon, (Y/N)'s parents showed up, and not knowing that I just argued with her they gave me heart felt hugs. What I didn't expect next was the friend she was seen photographed with enter. His face was struck with fear and worry.

"How's (Y/N) is she okay?" He freaked while talking to her parents. They shrug their shoulders sadly. He turns to me and despite my teary eyes and my rosy cheeks I still attempted to intimidate him.

"Hey Grayson I'm Harrison, (Y/N)'s friend I was with her earlier today" he offered his hand out. "Yea I saw you getting real friendly with her" I reply sarcastically. There was an awkward pause until Harrison got the message. "If you think I like (Y/N) you're already so wrong. Don't get me wrong she is beautiful but one, I'm gay and two, she's too in love with you to even glance at another guy. I was with her today because she needed help on finding you a gift for your birthday" he said while sitting next to me. "What?" I was shocked. Wow now I feel more like a douche. "She would never cheat on you , she's too in love with you. I was sure you knew that but I guess not" he replied softly before moving to (Y/N)'s parents again.

How could I even think for a second that (Y/N) was cheating on me. I should have trusted her, let her explain, before I blew up on her. I buried my head in my hands before letting out a loud sob. What have I done?

A few hours pass until a doctor comes out, calling, "Family of (Y/N)". I leapt off my chair at the speed of light. Her family, Harrison and I ran up to the doctor, all of our hearts beating faster than average.

"She just got out surgery and she is okay, she's currently resting, she should be awake in an hour so you guys may wait outside of her room if you want, I will escort you all there." The doctor said before turning on his heel. I sped up to his side. "What happened to her?" I asked. "Well, she was driving over the speed limit and when she struggled to slow down, her car swerved and was thrown into a ditch. She had major trauma to her head but mainly suffered from internal bleeding. She has many cuts and a few open wounds but those will heal quickly" he read from his clip board.

My heart dropped right away. I couldn't imagine how much pain she was in, and it was all night fault. I found myself at a loss of breath. Everybody's worst fear is to hear that their loved one is hurt.

As if on cue I felt a hand pat my back as a means to comfort me. I turn over my shoulder and I see (Y/N)'s dad patting my back. His eyes were filled with tears.

"She's gonna be okay" he reassured me. I nod sadly but he has no idea of what happened before the accident.

We reach her room and I honestly never thought I would be waiting to visit (Y/N) in a hospital except on the day our baby would be born. The next hour was filled with silence and fallen tears. The same doctor came back and entered (Y/N)'s room first. A few minutes later he came out and allowed us in. First (Y/N)'s parents and Harrison went in and then it was my turn. (Y/N)'s parents came out of the room and gave me a pat on the back before exiting the room.

I took a deep breath and walked in. I could never be prepared for what I was about to see. (Y/N) was in a hospital bed hooked up to various machines with more cuts than I can count on her body. Her eyes were barely open but she could see that I had entered.

"Grayson" she muttered with a small smile.

My heart broke to thousands of pieces. I fell to the floor, tears falling harder than before, I couldn't bear to look at what I had done to her.

"Don't cry baby" she whispered, her voice hoarse and raspy. I pulled myself up and sat at her right hand side. "Baby, oh (Y/N)" I started to sob again. Her hand weakly reached up and held my cheek. "I'm okay" she smiled weakly. "It's all my fault you're here. I should've never exploded at you the way I did" I said in between deep breaths.

"I trust you baby and I love you so much. I just I get so scared because I feel like I could lose you to someone else at any given moment because you deserve so much better." I held her hand crying into it. "So much better." I look up to see her letting a few tears out. "It should be me in this bed not you. You're so good to me and I don't deserve you. You're not a liar, a cheater and never could you ever be a slut. You are the kindest, sweetest most down to earth woman I know. God has blessed me with you and today I took that for granted and he made me see how much I need you in my life. Baby I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry" I planted kisses on her hand. " I love you Grayson, we're gonna be okay" she said while wiping my tears with her thumb. "I'm so glad I didn't lose you, I will never let you go again." I sat there with my head in her neck, thanking god for keeping her alive.

I am so tirrrrreeeeeeddd. How are you guys enjoying thanksgiving break, if you're currently on it? I've done nothing but watch Netflix tbhhh.

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