someone to stay |g| pt. 1

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requested by wonderdylberry

summary : in which grayson saves you before making a terrible mistake. everyone needs someone to stay.

your pov :

Two weeks. It's been two weeks since the incident.


"Mom can you go get me some ice cream? My cramps are getting worse" you groaned clutching to your stomach.

Chocolate ice cream was always the cure to your intense menstrual stomach pains.

"Of course, I'll be back in a bit" she kissed your forehead, heading to the door.

"Love you momma" you called out.

"Love you sweetie" she replied before the door had shut.

She said she'd be back in a bit but she didn't come back at all.

*end of flashback*

"She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," is what everyone would tell you, believing that would comfort you.

Two weeks ago your mother was brutally murdered for being 'in the wrong place at the wrong time'.

You found it difficult to sleep, eat, think, and even breath.

You were the one that asked your mom to go to the store.

You were the one who made her leave.

You were the reason she got murdered.

All because you wanted some ice cream.

You blamed yourself for her death every day since you heard the news.

Having dealt with depression before, this situation made it much worse.

Your mom was the one who was always there for you on your down days besides your best friend Grayson.

Grayson had been busy with tour and filming that you hadn't seen him in about two months now.

He had no idea of what you were going through and you had no intentions of bothering him with the depressing news.

Grayson had been your best friend for 12 years now. You met at the age of 6 in the first grade and now here you are, high school graduates the age of 18.

Grayson always came to you when he had any problem. You on the other hand couldn't open up to pretty much anybody when you had a problem.

You were sat on your bed, back against the wall.

The cold air from the open windows sent chills up your spine. To depressed to even get up to close it, you pulled the thin blanket closer to your body.

You hadn't eaten a full meal in a few days. It has only been water, and snacks here and there.

Your eyes burned due to the constant tears that emitted from your eyes.

The bags under your eyes were as dark as the bruises on your knuckles from punching the wall.

You were a time bomb and soon you would explode.

You felt so alone and in reality it was true.

You were truly all alone.

Grayson's pov :

Today I finally had a break from my busy schedule.

It had been constant filming and touring for two months and I was so unbelievably exhausted.

I opened my phone to see my lock screen, a picture of my best friend (Y/N) and I.

A sudden thought popped up in my head, I haven't seen her in two months. We would hang out usually every three to two days but with my schedule being hectic I didn't even get around to calling her.

I was about to call her when I had the brilliant idea of just surprising her.

I stopped at the store getting her tubs of chocolate ice cream, chips, and candy.

Reaching her apartment I felt butterflies grow in my stomach. I hadn't seen her in a while, but every time I did, my heart would beat 100 times faster.

It's cliché but I am in love with my best friend.

I took out the key to her apartment since she gave me one the second she got her apartment.

I was as quiet as a mouse as I sneaked into her place putting the things on her coffee table.

I noticed something was off when I walked in.

No music was playing, the television wasn't on, and (Y/N) would've heard me enter her place, coming out automatically.

I began to sneak around her apartment.

"(Y/N)?," I called out.

Waiting for a reply all I could hear were grunts from the bedroom.

My head cocked in confusion as I headed to her bathroom.

"(Y/N)?" I asked and to no avail again.

I knocked on the door but it was unlocked causing me to stumble in on the horrific scene.

(Y/N) was sat on their bathtub, tears streaming down her face and an unopened bottle of pills in her hands.

She had been grunting because she struggled to get it open.

The pieces fell right into place as I figured out what she was trying to do.

"(Y/N)!" I screamed running up to her holding her tightly throwing the bottle out into the hallway.

She cried as she held onto me, constantly mumbling, "i want to die, I want to die."

I came right in time but I wish I came earlier.

Part two will be posted on Saturday because I am going to see black panther tomorrow 😊. I'm so sorry for the lag guys I was busy with school and class work, but I'll be posting two New imagines on Saturday and two on Sunday. Please keep requesting, you are open to request even if you've already requested something 😊

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