persistent |e| pt. 1

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requested by comedy-dolan

summary : in which bad boy Ethan wants to take you on a date and he doesn't take no for an answer.

You fixed your sweater as you gazed upon the the reflection in the mirror of your high school's bathroom.

People would say you were the stereotypical smart girl who had no friends. Which is somewhat true, you didn't have much friends, but there's much more to you than meets the eye.

You're sassy, goofy and even at times rebellious. But only one person knew the world who knew this about you.

His name is Ethan Dolan. The school's 'bad boy'.

This was your typical bad boy, who didn't show up to class and when he did there would be an altercation with the teacher, didn't care for the rules, and most definitely didn't care much about other people besides his few friends.

His attitude is most definitely off putting but every single girl in the school had a crush on him.

Every single girl but you.

That's probably what drew him to you.

You exited the bathroom clutching onto your marine biology and AP calculus textbooks which were quite heavy.

You had to go to your locker and get your French textbook and your notebook for your next period.

Upon arriving at your locker you began to hear the laugh that you dreaded.

Ethan and his gang were making their way down the hall in all of their glory. Girls gawking over him, jocks glaring at him and nerds hiding from him.

You rolled your eyes at the giggles that left girls mouths as Ethan winked at them.

You moved as quickly as possible exchanging your books but when you slammed your locker door you saw that you weren't fast enough. Ethan was already at your locker.

"Hey (Y/N)," he leaned up against your locker.

"To what do I owe this very very pleasant conversation," you spoke; your words laced with sarcasm.

You turned on your heel and began walking.

"Just you know the usual, me asking you out on a date," he smirked taking your French books out of your grasp.

"So it's the usual me scoffing at you and saying no for what is it the 32nd time?" You yanked your books back.

"29th actually," he always had something to say.

You finally arrived at your French class and turned on your heel to face him.

"c'est dommage, tu es si beau mais tu es un abruti, c'est pourquoi c'est un non," you smirked, thinking he had no idea what you said.

(translation : it's a shame, you're so good looking but you're such a jerk, that's why it's a no)

"donc tu penses que je suis beau?" He smirked taking you by surprise.

(translation : so you think I'm good looking?)

You gasped and rolled your eyes walking to your seat causing him to chuckle.

"Bye sweets, I'll see you later to ask you again," he cocked an eyebrow at you before leaving you in the French classroom.

You decided next time he asks you, you're going to say yes. This is probably just a big joke to get a laugh out of his friends. But if you say yes, he won't know what to do.

Tapping your pencil on the desk, you prepared what you were to say to Ethan if he asks you later.

French class dozed on almost making you fall asleep since you had already known everything she was teaching.

The bell rang signaling lunch, snapping you out of your trance.

You fixed your ponytail and went back to your locker to get your lunch.

You always made cute little lunch packs to eat during lunch since the school food was vile and disgusting.

Heading to the bench you always sat at under the big tree in the senior quad you took out your lunch.

Not having much friends you always say by yourself.

Not until you noticed Ethan and his friends approaching you yet again.

You took a bite of your pasta when Ethan sat next to you.

"So what are we having for lunch?" He tried to poke at your food.

"I'm having pasta. You're not," you swatted his hand away with your fork evoking a chuckle from Ethan.

"So, about the date-" Ethan started with his same old joke of a pick up line.

"Yes," you interrupted him.

His eyes widened and he was definitely taken by surprise. He wasn't expecting a yes, not from you of course.

"What?" His voice was not laced with any cockiness this time.

"I said yes, I'll go on a date with you Ethan," you smiled before taking a bite of your pasta.

He exchanged looks with his friends, who were just as confused as he was. He shrugged and looked back at you to see if you were joking.

While he was looking at his friends, you wrote down your address and number.

"Pick me up at 7 Dolan," you said before tossing him the paper and moving somewhere else.

He was still in shock that you agreed that he didn't follow you.

All that went through his mind his actual long time crush actually said yes.

Now the important question.

What was he gonna wear?

Idk should I do another part of this idk tbh.

I just sprained my foot last night so like I'm wobbling around my house in crutches it's really sad.

Also the new video that was posted on Tuesday made me a bit sad but much more happy than sad.

I'm glad that they want everything they do to be 100% and I love the fact that they don't want to do something if their heart isn't in it.

You see a lot of youtubers doing what what they do not because they love doing it but because the love getting paid. It makes me happy that they don't feel that way.

Kudos to them ❤️❤️

What are your guys thoughts??

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