thankful |g|

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requested by nothingbutmulti

summary : in which you spend thanksgiving with Grayson's family

your pov :

Today you were spending thanksgiving with Grayson's family since yours were on a holiday.

You drove to the Dolan's home and parked outside on the curb. You instantly saw Grayson's mom walking out of the house.

"(Y/N)!" She called out happily. "Hi Lisa" you smiled grabbing the two pies that you made for the family.

"It's so good to see you" she opened her arms to embrace you. "You as well" you gave her a warm and tight hug.

"Can I help you with anything?" She was always so helpful and kind. "No it's okay, should I put these in the kitchen or on the table?" You asked.

"The table is fine" she nodded. "Grayson should be inside setting up" she said before heading back to the house. You locked your car door and followed her in.

Lisa held the door for you as you walked in hands full with pie.

You set the pies on the table and snuck up behind Grayson who was in the kitchen making mashed potatoes. You sneaked right behind him and went up on your tippy toes planting a kiss on his cheek. He turned around and gasped not knowing you came in.

"(Y/N)!" He exclaimed before picking you up in a soul crushing hug. "Hi babe" you giggled while holding onto him. He placed a kiss on your lips. "I've missed you" he pouted. "Babe it's been like two days" you laughed. "Yea two days too long" he replied before going back to mashing potatoes.

"I'm gonna go say hi to everyone else then I'll come back and help you mash potatoes" you said before kissing his cheek once more making him smile.

You walked into the living room seeing Cameron on her phone. "Hey Cameron" you greeted. "Hey (Y/N)" her tone of voice was very uplifting as she got up and gave you a hug. "You look beautiful (Y/N)" she complimented. "Thank you but I think you look better" you have her a sweet smile. "Where's Ethan and Sean?" you looked around. "I believe Ethan is changing and Sean is in the garage" she pointed in the direction of the garage. "Thanks" you said before heading to say hi to Sean.

You opened the garage door to see Sean grabbing decorations from the twin's truck.

"Hi Sean" you waved before walking down to give him a big hug. "Hi sweetie, how've you been?" He smiled. "I've been good, and you?" "I'm doing good, could you give me a hand with these decorations?" He held up some cute thanksgiving decorations. "Of course."

You grabbed a bunch of cute turkey pictures, table cloths and a banner that read 'happy thanksgiving'. You took those inside and got ready to hang them up.

"No it's okay, I'll have Cameron and Ethan do those, Grayson wants you to be with him" Lisa giggled rolling her eyes playfully. You laughed along with her and handed her the decorations before heading to gray.

You went back to gray and helped him finish the mash potatoes which ended in a contest of who's potatoes looked nicer.

Ethan walked into the kitchen giving you a friendly hug. "Ethan whose potatoes look nicer?" You asked showing him your bowl.

Grayson presented his bowl smirking as if he already won.

"I'm gonna say Grayson's" Ethan made the face of I'm sorry.

"Ha!" Grayson playfully laughed at you. "That's not fair you guys are brothers!" You stood with your hands on your hips and an over exaggerated pout.

"Awww" Grayson mocked your pout. "Keep mocking me I'm not gonna kiss you for the rest of the day" you turned on your heel.

Grayson quickly retaliated. "I'm sorry" he stammered. "It's okay" you smiled kissing his lips.

"Dinner's ready!" Sean called from the kitchen table.

You raced with the boys excited to get some turkey.

Grayson pulled out the seat next to his so that you could sit down. He was always such a gentleman.

The whole family piled in and filled up the table. The table was set up with turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and all the fixings.

"I'm so glad we all have come here as a family to enjoy thanksgiving so let's eat up and afterwards we'll talk about what we're thankful for" Sean announced. And with that everyone began to pass around all the dishes.

Lisa and Sean told funny stories about Cameron and the boy's childhood with you sharing a few of your own. You really felt comfortable with Grayson's family. You felt as if they were your own family which they were.

"Okay I'll go first" Sean said standing up. "I'm thankful for my beautiful family and my beautiful wife. I'm thankful for my talented children and I'm thankful for (Y/N) for making Grayson the happiest I've ever seen him."

You heart began to burst. "Thank you Sean" you smiled. It was so sweet of him to mention you.

It went around the table and next was Grayson.  He stood up and brushed off his pants.

"I'm thankful for my mom, who has been such an amazing and supportive mother not only to me but to everyone. I'm thankful for my dad, who has taught me so much and has been the best father figure I could've asked for. I'm thankful for Cameron who really helped me through so much and has helped me. I'm thankful for not only my brother but my best friend. You're the best bro and I love you. Last but not least I'm thankful for (Y/N). My beautiful amazing girlfriend who I love with everything in me. You treat me with love and respect as you do my family and everyone you meet. You're the most amazing, kind, caring, selfless, brave, funniest, and beautiful person I've had the pleasure of meeting. God truly blessed me with you and I'm forever thankful" he finished.

You stood up and kissed him softly making everybody go crazy in awe.

It was now your turn and you took a deep breath.

"I'm thankful for my family, not just my blood relatives but my other family, you guys. You always take me in and treat me like family. Each and every single one of you mean a lot to me and I love and care every single one of you. Thank you for being my second family. I'm also thankful for Grayson. I was in a rough patch of my life when I met Grayson. I truly believe that god gave him to me and made him just for me. You are the greatest treasure and gift to me. You are my heart and I love you so much. I'm thankful for your support and your love. I'm thankful for the times you've come over and taken care of me when I was sick. I'm thankful for the times you'd call me when I was having a bad day. I'm thankful for every single small and big gesture you do for me. But most of all I'm thankful that I was lucky enough to find an angel on earth which is you" you held Grayson's hand.

He stood up and wiped a tear from his eye. He held your cheek and gave you a sweet kiss, hugging you tightly afterwards.

"That was beautiful baby" he whispered in your ear.

You kissed him on the cheek and sat back down with him.

You were truly thankful for your family and Grayson.

And that's that. Yo so like I'm so tired, I had a dance show yesterday and I'm exhausted. I'm on this dance team and I'm the captain (woop woop). How old are you guys? I'm 17 :)

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