hurtful words |g|

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requested by intelligentdolan

summary : in which a fight with Grayson gets out of control when he says things he shouldn't have.

your pov :

You were home alone waiting for Grayson to come home, twitter blowing up about pictures of Grayson and his ex Danielle...again.

"Babe we're just friends." "(Y/N) it's not like that." "Seriously, I love you not her" were all the things that he's said for the pass two weeks.

He's been coming home late almost every night, missing dates, and just being more closed off and distant.

It was now 1:56 a.m and you were getting pissed off. He should've been home by 11:00 p.m.

You had left Grayson multiple texts and voicemails but he hasn't replied.

Right before you were about to call him again he walks in the door.

He sighed in exhaustion and plopped his bag on the floor, kicking his shoes off. He didn't even notice that you were sitting on the couch.

"Welcome home Babe" you said sternly.

He was taken back, having not seen you.

"Hey baby, you didn't have to stay up" his eyes were wide and surprised.

"I did have to stay up" you slowly got up. "So I could ask you where the hell have you been!" You yelled ferociously.

"I was out with Ethan" he lied through his teeth.

"Really because according to Twitter you were out with Danielle for the 5th time in past two weeks!" You shoved the phone in his face, revealing pictures from merely an hour ago.

"Babe she's just-"

"She's just a friend, it's not like that, I love you not her" you quoted him to the T.

"Grayson you have been coming home late almost every night, you missed two of our dates and you barely talk to me any more what's going on?" You crossed your arms over your chest.

There was a silent pause before he spoke.

"You think I'm cheating don't you?" He muttered.

"I hate to say so but yeah I do" you whispered scared of the truth.

"How could you think that?" His voice rose a little.

"Grayson, put yourself in my shoes. What if I started hanging out with my ex a lot and then all of a sudden start coming home late, missing dates and not replying? What would you think?" You stood up to face him.

"But I told you it's not like that, don't you trust me?" He was now yelling.

"Yes I do but that doesn't mean what you're doing doesn't raise questions. What are you doing hanging out with her and leaving me at home, late in the night by myself?!" You pushed him.

"She's my friend what am I not allowed to have female friends?" He yelled back.

"You're not answering my question!" The neighbors were all probably awake now due to your loud fight.

"We were just hanging out Jesus Christ (Y/N), calm down!" His voice was now louder than ever.

"I can't calm down, when the guy I'm madly in love with wants to spend more time with his ex than he does with me! She cheated on you and you still find any chance to hang out with her! What kind of guy does that! I love you and you find any chance to avoid me, what the hell grayson!" You pushed his chest forcefully, knocking him off his feet for a split second.

This pissed him off.

"At least Danielle doesn't nag me like you. I hang out with her because I enjoy her company. You're clingy, annoying, and nothing like Danielle. It makes me wonder why did I start dating you in the first place" he roared before catching his breath.

He didn't mean anything he said, but he still said it.

Your fists that were clenched hard, loosened and your face that was fully of anger dropped and now it was just hurt.

You both let what Grayson said sink in.

Realization hit him like a freight train and he wanted to go back to 5 minutes ago where he didn't say that.

"(Y/N)" he whispered, afraid of what you were going to say.

"No you're right. You know what I'm gonna go to sleep, tomorrow I'll take all my stuff and leave" you ran up the stairs tears streaming down your face.

Grayson mumbled a string of curse words to himself as he chased you up the stairs.

You locked yourself in your shared bedroom and broke down sobbing.

Grayson reached the door and felt his heart being torn to pieces at your painful cries.

What the hell was he thinking?

grayson's pov :

I leaned my head against the door and swore to myself as I started crying.

I messed up bad.

How could I say that to (Y/N)? She was right, why was I hanging out with Danielle and neglecting (Y/N)?

It's not that I liked Danielle, I didn't have any feelings for her anymore.

"Baby?" I whispered, knocking on the door softly.

I hurt (Y/N) so much and I wished that I could punch myself for being so idiotic.

"Baby please open up, I didn't mean any of that. I'm so sorry, I should've never said that. Please baby I love you so so much please" I started to sob.

I couldn't lose her. She's the love of my life and I would do anything to take back what I said.

"You're not clingy or annoying (Y/N). Not at all. I didn't mean any of what I said except when I said you're nothing like Danielle cause you're not, you're so much better. You've been there for me at my highs and lows. You care so much about me and do anything in your power to make me happy. Please (Y/N) you have no idea how much I love you. I appreciate everything you do for me even though I really really don't deserve it. Danielle is my past, you're my present and my future. Please open up and let me talk to you. I'm so sorry" my voice cracked as tears poured out of my eyes.

I heard small footsteps head to the door.

I backed up and (Y/N) opened the door slowly.

"You hurt me Grayson" she whispered.

I immediately wrapped my arms around her crying into her neck as I heard her sniffle.

"I know and I'm so sorry I need you to know I didn't mean any of it. I was just angry that you didn't trust me but that's no excuse. I wouldn't trust me either if I were you. We only hung out because she needed advice on this new guy she liked so she came to me. I shouldn't have put her problems before yours. But I don't feel any affection towards her. Please you're my only one and I love you so much if you left me I don't know what I'd do. Everyone has a purpose in life. Mine is you" I held her and pressed my head against hers.

"I'm so sorry" I said slowly.

"It's okay" she pecked me softly.

I didn't deserve her kindness and her love.

You have my guarantee when I say I made sure to show her how much I love her every day since.

Nobody compares to (Y/N).

This kinda sucks but here ya go. Wuss good guys. Sorry I haven't been really updating. School started again and I also had practices and work so I was really busy. But I will be updating a lot since it's the weekend 💗💗

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