see the light |e|

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requested by aestheticdolanss

summary : in which Ethan goes all out to propose to you. Nothing but the best for his princess.

(You and Ethan are a bit older in this)

inspired by the movie : Tangled

Today was the day you had been waiting for for the past three months. You were spending your 5 year anniversary with your boyfriend Ethan, at Disneyland.

"You ready to go?" Ethan smiled hugging you from behind.

You nodded quickly while fixing your Minnie ears. You hadn't been to Disneyland since you were 8. Now you were 24.

"We have to ride the new guardians of the galaxy ride!" You exclaimed as you locked the apartment door behind you.

"Whatever you want to do," Ethan kissed your temple softly.

"Do you think I'll see rapunzel?" You jumped around joyfully. She was your favorite Disney princess.

"Maybe," He munched on his granola bar. "I wanna meet chip and dale, my favorite twins," he laughed to himself.

"If only Grayson came that would've been a great photo," you giggled at the thought of the Twins with twin chipmunks.

With that you and Ethan were off to Disneyland like excited 6 year olds.

You played Disney music on the way there and made sure to stop and get an açaí bowl for breakfast.

Finally after the long wait you were here standing in Disneyland with the love of your life holding your hand.

"Come on Let's go!" You squealed practically yanking Ethan out of his shoes.

You and Ethan sprinted to get fast passes for the guardians of the galaxy ride, wanting to start the morning off with a real bang.

After that you rode almost all of the rides in California adventure meaning it was time to hope on over to Disneyland.

Walking in your heart fluttered at the magical sights before you. Everything was so beautiful and surreal. It was as if you walked into a fairyland.

"Babe babe look!" Ethan pointed forward with an ecstatic voice.

You snapped your eyes to look in that direction to see chip and dale. Smiling to yourself you watched how your dorky boyfriend got too shy to approach them resulting in you dragging him over there.

"Hey Guys!" Ethan gave both of them high fives as you filmed him with a wide smile.

"You know I also have a twin but he's not here," Ethan said making chip and dale pretend to cry.

"I know right, well can I get a picture?" Ethan asked even though you were filming.

Ethan stood in between chip and dale smiling as he towered the two small chipmunks. He was much taller than the two.

"Goodbye," you and Ethan waved them goodbye.

"Oh my god I didn't think they'd actually be out!" Ethan started rambling on. You truly have the best boyfriend.

You and Ethan took many pictures together and of each other, ate tons of food and went on tons more rides.

Evening was starting to roll around meaning people were gonna start getting ready for the fireworks. It was getting late so you figured there would be no seats.

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