wrong turn |g|

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requested by dolanskipper

summary : in which on your way to dropping you off at dance practice, your best friend purposely takes a wrong turn.

"Graysonn," you groaned as your leg bounced up and down, eyes glancing back and forth from the door to the clock.

Grayson was your ride to your dance practice and he was already 10 minutes late.

Your captain called a last minute practice, texting you about it only a few hours ago and she was very strict. Not allowing someone to be even a little late.

The studio being quite out of way meant you were now almost guaranteed to be late.

Suddenly a knock on your door signaled that Grayson was here.

Without hesitation you grabbed your duffel bag and keys dashing to your door to leave.

You opened the door so hard that Grayson almost flew to the ground from the strong force of your push.

"Where were you?" You spoke quickly as you locked the door running to his car.

"Sorry I forgot that I had no gas," he said hopping into the driver's seat quickly shoving his keys into the ignition.

"Come on Let's go go go," you were still bouncing in your seat, "you know Nicole is going to kill me," you sighed.

"I don't think she will," Grayson reassured looking in his rear view mirror as he backed out of the driveway.

"You know where to go right?" You asked trying to get your mind off that fact that she was probably going to make you run a mile for being late.

"I do," he said reaching a stop light.

"Don't worry (Y/N)," Grayson pat your thigh to calm you down.

A few minutes passed as you were getting close to the studio when suddenly Grayson took the wrong turn.

"Gray, you weren't supposed to turn," you looked behind you seeing that he was going in the opposite direction.

"No I'm not, the carnival is this way," he said completely ignoring the fact that you had practice.

"Grayson!" You screamed about ready to just jump out.

"(Y/N) call Nicole, she'll tell you," he smiled as he continued to drive.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? You thought.

Pulling your phone out of your pocket you quickly dialed Nicole's number.

"Hey (Y/N)," her voice was calm which is almost never a good sign.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, my ride, Grayson, was late and now he took the wrong turn but I should be there soon please don't make me run-"

"(Y/N) calm down," Nicole cut off your rambling, "you're going to the carnival with Grayson, that's an order from your captain," she spoke to which Grayson overheard making him smile.

"What do you mean, we have competition I thought-" she cut you off yet again.

"(Y/N) you're the hardest working dancer on the team, after me of course but Grayson asked me to call a fake practice to get you to come out of the house and go to the carnival with him, you need to take a break and relax. Although practicing is good, making sure you're relaxed is much better so go to the carnival and have a good time, no if ands or buts. Bye (Y/N)," your captain hung up and you looked at Grayson in shock.

"You little snake," you laughed hitting his shoulder playfully.

"You could've just asked me to hang out you know," you spoke leaning back on the chair, relaxing.

"I've done thank the past two times and you said you were busy practicing. I knew this was the only way to get you to come out and relax."

He was right.

You had been isolating yourself from everyone just focusing on the routines you needed to nail for comp since you had solos. You hadn't given yourself any time to relax.

Silence took over before Grayson pulled into the parking lot of the carnival.

"Thank you," you broke the silence catching his attention.

"For what?" He turned to you.

"For this," you motioned at the carnival, "I really needed it," your eyes softened as you stared into Grayson's eyes.

"Of course," his eyes twinkled. "Let's go," he motioned.

Grayson always made your heart beat faster and as cliché as it sounds you truly fell for your best friend but you believed it would never be anything more than a friendship.

You two entered the park in complete awe of the set up.

"Let's go on the bumper cars!" You squealed after getting your tickets.

Grayson found himself smiling at the fact that you were relaxing and letting yourself have fun. Being the perfectionist you were it was amazing to him that he was able to get you out of the house to do something other than work on the dance.

His heart fluttered as you grabbed his hand and ran to the cars.

He never told you but he indeed have feelings for you as well.

"You're trash at this!" You yelled, laughing as Grayson struggled to move the car around.

"Oh shut up," you heard him groan making you burst into giggles. Even the 6 year old girl was doing much better than him.

After the bumper cars you decided to get some cotton candy.

"Hey gray?" You asked eating the cotton candy.

"Hmm?" He looked down at you, also munching on the cotton candy.

"Why the carnival?"

"What do you mean?" He was a bit confused at your question.

"I mean why take me to the carnival?"

There was a moment of silence before he said something you definitely weren't expecting.

"You know I've always wanted my first date with a girl I really like at the carnival, I've told you this," he said calmly as if he didn't just confess his feelings for you.

"Wow, that was ballsy," you referred to his out of the blue confession.

"No balls no glory," he shrugged.

"It's actually no guts no glory dimwit. God I have a crush on an idiot," you slipped in your confession.

"I knew you had a crush on me which is why I was ballsy and just decided to confess," he smirked playfully nudging you.

"Just shut up and kiss me," you pulled him by his shirt to meet your lips.

You guys may have taken a wrong turn but you ended up on the right path.

I was on my high school's dance team and my captains name was Nicole 😂 which is why I used the name 😂

I was the head captain my senior year. :,) I miss my team 🤧

What is your guys favorite rides at carnivals? I love rollercoasters or those kind of obstacle course ones ❤️❤️

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