sick |e|

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requested by LoveDolanTwin2321

summary : in which Ethan is sick with cancer and doesn't tell you.

ethan's pov :

"Test results came back as positive for cancer. Im so sorry sir" my doctor said in a sad tone.

I can't imagine how many times he's had to tell someone that. To tell someone they have cancer.

Lately I had been having this terrible cough and I had been wheezing, finding it hard to breathe.

I thought it was just allergies or maybe asthma but then suddenly I lost a lot of weight.

It was unusual and weird so I went to my doctor to see what the problem was. Never would I have guessed it was lung cancer.

How could this happen? I had never smoked before. My doctor explained it was from hereditary causes. It was bound to happen. But I'm so young. I have a fiancé and soon to be mother I can't possibly have cancer.

My doctor spoke about the different treatments we could do but I was in such shock that it went in one year and out the other.

"Luckily you're only in stage two so we could still catch it early" he said hopefully.

"I suggest you tell your friends and family because it's always best to have people by your side when dealing with a disease like this" he sadly smiled patting my arm.

"I'll go get you a pan flick on different medications and treatments we can do" he said before getting up and leaving the office.

There was no way I was gonna tell (Y/N) about this. She was pregnant. If I get her stressed it could hurt the baby.

I would just tell Grayson because I knew he would keep my secret until I felt the time was right to tell everyone else.

Doctor Streiger came back in a pan flick in his hand.

I opened it and read through the different treatments and medications. There was chemo therapy, Immunotherapy, Thoracotomy and radiation therapy.

"The chemo would kill the cancer cells that are multiplying too quickly. So if we do that soon we could catch most of it. We could also pair the chemo with radiation therapy before surgery so that we could try and shrink this tumor here" he said pointing to the tumor shown on the x-ray.

"It's all up to you so you can let me know over the phone or if you're ready now we can schedule a date now" he took out a calendar planner type of note book.

"Whenever is the soonest we can start would be great" I said in a shaky tone.

"How's tomorrow morning? At 9:30 sound?" He asked. "That's perfect." I was still shaken up.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Dolan." He stood up and gave me a pat on the back before exiting.

I called Grayson right away.

"Bro I need to talk to you in person like ASAP" I said. "Sure, where?" "Anywhere but my place" I replied. I couldn't have (Y/N) find out.

"Umm, my apartment?" He was confused. "Yea Okay I'll be there in 20" I replied before hanging up.

I got in my car and drove to Grayson's place immediately. The nerves were eating me alive and I still couldn't grasp the fact that I had cancer.

I parked in the lot and walked to his apartment. I fiddled with my fingers while I waited outside of his door.

The door opened and Grayson pulled me in for a hug. "Bro What s up" He said letting me in.

My face was blank, letting Grayson know it wasn't good. Concern covered his face as he stood in front of me.

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