watch out |g|

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requested by ethscakes

summary : in which you're blind and a man in a rush bumps into you on the street.

*beep beep*

Your alarm went off indicating that it was morning. 

You sat up and turned directly to your right extending your hand to tap the snooze button that sat on the top of your alarm.

Moving your hand to the left of your alarm you wrapped your hand around your cane and used your other to put on your glasses.

No you weren't dealing with a leg injury or missing a limb, you were missing something else.

Your eyesight.

It had been that way since you were born.

You were born with this condition called cataracts which is the clouding of the normally clear lenses in your eyes.

It is curable in most cases but unfortunately not yours.

Your cataracts were too intense that it was impossible to reverse the blindness, meaning that you were going to be permanently blind for the rest of your life.

Now just cause you're blind doesn't mean you're completely helpless.

You are a very independent person, you can cook, clean, read, and make your way down streets easily.

Sure you can't drive or fly a plane but that didn't bother you as much since you could just catch the bus.

"Alexa what time is it?" You spoke aloud walking to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

"It is 7:32 a.m," she spoke from the living room.

"Alexa please set an alarm for 8:30," you spoke before brushing your teeth.

"Okay (Y/N), will do," she finishes.

After you brush you teeth and wash your face you make your way back to your room to change your clothes.

You had work at 10:00 a.m so you made sure you grabbed the right outfit.

You work at Starbucks taking the orders as they made the cash register in Braille form so you could read it.

After getting changed you grabbed your backpack and keys that hung on your lanyard.

Once you were all ready you went to the kitchen to make breakfast and listen to music.

"Alexa, can you play my morning playlist?" You asked as you sat at your small table sipping on your tea and eating your toast.

Sunday morning by maroon 5 began to play throughout your small apartment.

You bummed the words before munching down on your toast again.

After a few more songs, the alarm Alexa had set for 8:30 went off meaning it was time to walk to work.

Grabbing your cane and slinging your backpack onto your back you told Alexa to turn off and you headed on your way.

Starbucks was 2 blocks down from your apartment but you did live on a pretty busy street which meant at this time there would be a lot of pedestrians.

You felt the Braille buttons of the elevator and killed the lobby floor.

The elevator music was as bland and boring as your sight and thankfully the ride wasn't long.

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