bonnie and clyde |e|

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requested by fanficfordolans

summary : in which you and Ethan are famous criminals who kill and steal as they please.

"Ethan do you have eyes on target?" You laid back on the roof while puffing a smoke.

"Yea, he's still talking to the CIA Agent" your lover's voice sounded through the walkie talkie.

"Oh lord" you groaned, checking your guns making sure you had ammo.

"Wait wait wait, the agent is leaving" Ethan's urgent voice came over.

"Give me coordinates" you shot up taking the cigarette out of your mouth.

Ethan repeated the coordinates of the agent's location.

"You go get our guest warmed up while I pay the agent a visit yea sweetie?" You smiled clicking your gun into place.

"You got it baby" his calming voice made you giggle as you slid down your mask.

You ran down the stairs to the parking lot of the complex and hid behind a pillar.

Footsteps echoed in the hollow parking structure.

Holding your breath in you listened as it got closer and closer. Once the sound was close enough you sprung into action, knocking the agent down.

In utter shock the agent fell, his gun sliding out of his holster.

In a scramble he attempted to grab it but it was too late. You got him.

Not bothering if the body was found you left him there but took his wallet and CIA badge.

Hey, it might be useful.

You swayed your hips grinning in success as you walked out of the parking structure. Gun pointed upwards you shot out the security cameras. They don't need to know where you're headed.

You walked to the coordinates of where Ethan and the target was. Which was literally right across the street.

You pulled a cigarette from your pocket and blew a smoke.

When you finally entered the room you found Agustin Chamberland tied to a chair, bleed profusely from his head.

Ethan had his mask on and his fists were bloodied from knocking Agustin.

"Well if it isn't Bonnie and Clyde" Agustin spit out blood.

"Well if it isn't a dead man talking" you spat back.

"You knew this would happen, where's the money" you pointed your gun at him.

You weren't leaving without the money.

You and Ethan held up to your side of the deal by doing a hit man job for him but so far he hasn't held up his end.

"I told you guys I would get it to you" Agustin replied worriedly.

"It's been a month, you promised it the next day" Ethan punched him again.

You were caught off guard for a second cause he always looks so good when he's working.

"Please give me just a few more days and you'll have your $100,000" he begged as you got closer.

"You know mama don't like to wait" you pressed the gun into his temple.

"I know the money is here Agustin" you clicked the gun.

"Now where is it because you know I won't hesitate to shoot" you taunted him earning a chuckle from Ethan.

"It's in the vault!" He screamed in terror.

"Good boy, now where's the vault?" You put the gun down.

"In my bedroom on the right" he sighed.

"Now one more thing, what's the code?" You called out from his bedroom.


You punched in the code and opened the vault to reveal stacks of cash.

"Oh honey Santa came early" you cried out to Ethan.

You took the bag that Ethan brought as Ethan watched Agustin like a hawk.

You began to fill up the 8 bags that you brought, probably taking much more than $100,000.

Once that was all filled up you walked back into the living room.

"Thank you for your cooperation" you smiled behind your mask before putting a bullet in Agustin's head.

He must've been an idiot if he thought you and Ethan would let him live.

"Baby we did it" Ethan lifted you up in the air.

"Let's hit the road dear" you caressed his masked face as he began to grab all of the bags.

You and Ethan drove to the middle of now where just to be in peace with the money.

"Oh baby I'm so proud of you" Ethan complimented you while squeezing your thigh.

You looked at Ethan who was driving.

"The possibilities we have with all this money" you squealed.

"You looked so good when you punched him honey" you smirked at the thought.

"No no you looked amazing when you shot him ha! He had no idea what was coming" he laughed.

"Ethan, I love you" you kissed his cheek.

"I love you too (Y/N), you will always be the Bonnie to my Clyde."

Yes you were.

The Bonnie to his Clyde and his ride or die.

So you just requested murder with Ethan and I wasn't sure if you meant like one of you get murdered or you guys are the murders so I just guessed you meant you and Ethan are murders. If I was wrong please let me know and I'll write you another one 💖💖

This was very different then what I'm used to but 🤷🏽‍♀️😂

And this photo of Ethan got me jungSHOOK , besides the smoking, don't smoke, it's not good for you.

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