full moon |g|

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requested by -chaneldolans

summary : in which your boyfriend forgets that tonight is a full moon and he's out on a date with you.

It was 6:00 p.m and Grayson was coming over in a bit to take you on a date at the local fair that came into town.

You fixed your spring dress checking your reflection once more before the sound of your doorbell caught your attention.

You giddily hopped to the door opening it with a wide smile to see your handsome boyfriend.

"Hi babe" you leaned over kissing his cheek.

"You look beautiful as always" he smiled handing you a bouquet of sunflowers.

"Thank you, come on in and let me go put these in a vase before we go," you blushed as he made his way to go say hi to your dad.

"Well aren't those beautiful," your mom complimented the flowers as your strolled into the kitchen.

"Right? Can you pass me that vase I'm gonna put these in my room," you pointed at the baby blue vase that was near your mother's hands.

After filling the vase with water and placing the vase full of sunflowers on your desk, you got your purse and left hand in hand with Grayson. You were ready for the fair.

Grayson drove into the parking lot of the big field.

The sun would be setting at around 7:30 p.m and you and Grayson had planned to stay till 10:00 p.m, since it was a weekend.

"I'm so excited to go on that!" He pointed to the big spinning rollercoaster.

"I'm excited to not go on that and sit outside eating a funnel cake," you laughed making him pout.

"Just one crazy ride pleaassee," he licked his hands together giving you big puppy dog eyes with a big pout.

You tried to keep your composure but you caved in and said yes.

Getting more excited than ever he held on your hand running to the entrance.

"Grayson! Slow down," you laughed. He was one of the fastest people you knew, if not, the fastest.

After paying your entrance fee not even two minutes passed before you found yourself a in line for the crazy ride.

"You owe me a big funnel cake after this," you scrunched your eyes.

The man buckled you in causing you to look a Grayson again, "with ice cream."

The ride started and you felt yourself flying high in the air twisting and flipping.

You were getting dizzier than ever while Grayson was having the time of his life.

After that he bought you the funnel cake with ice cream as promised.

The sun started to set and the moon started to slowly peek through which made you want to go on the Ferris wheel.

You dragged Grayson onto the ride who was paying no attention whatsoever as he messaged his brother.

He had only realized you were on the Ferris wheel when the ride had started.

He looked at you and smiled. He had never seen anything so beautiful in his life and boy was he lucky to have you.

"Babe look!" You said pointing at the sky.

"It's a full moon!" You squealed at the faint moon that was slowly peeking through.

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