trust |e| pt. 2

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requested by starrydolan

summary : when you're in love with your best friend Ethan but his new girlfriend is the legit devil in a mini skirt how can you get him to trust you when you say she's trying to take you out of the picture ?

You were in shock. Too in shock to comprehend him leaving. To see him stomp all over your friendship and your heart.

But you weren't shocked to see the smirk on Sophia's face as he held her close.

You held your stomach, feeling sick deep inside. Tears were now trickling down your cheeks as your breathing began to quicken and become uneven.

"Ethan," you whispered before breaking down.

Collapsing onto your couch you held the throw pillow close crying into the fabric.

How could he not see what Sophia was doing to him? Constantly forcing him to buy her new things, treating him like an ATM, and most of all not loving him the way she should.

You disgust me.

It was playing in your mind like a broken record. That's what he thought of you. Disgusting.

How could he not see what you were doing for him? Constantly comforting him when Sophia would pick a fight, treating him like he's your world, and most of all loving him the way she should.

Hours passed before you fell asleep; sniffles fading into snores and tears fading into the pillow below you.

Ethan's pov :

"I'm so excited to go to six flags babe," Sophia smiled as I drove onto the freeway.

Not a hint of sadness was heard in her voice despite how (Y/N) treated her not even 15 minutes ago.

"What happened again?" I asked tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

I was trying to distract myself from the picture of (Y/N)'s distraught face burning in my mind. I had told her she disgusted me.

"She got mad that I was coming and she just hit me," she shrugged looking down at her phone.

"What cheek did she hit you on baby?" I turned into the lane next to me.

"The right one," she muttered not paying the least bit of attention to me.

I- wait.

I glanced over at her for a split second remembering what I saw at the apartment. Her left cheek was red.

When I came out of the apartment to see (Y/N) and Sophia, Sophia's left cheek was the one that was hit, not the right. (Y/N)'s left hand was also in the air at the moment.

There's no way (Y/N) hit her left cheek with her left hand.

Sophia was lying.

My eyes widened and I swerved onto the off ramp causing Sophia to squeal.

"Ethan! What are you doing?"

"I'm getting off, we need to talk" I said in a stern voice.

"We can talk at six flags!" She continues to whine.

Pulling into a random parking lot Sophia rolled her eyes causing me to become angry.

"Sophia, look at me and tell me the honest truth and then I'll take you to six flags," I lied knowing if she told me the truth I would not take her to six flags at all.

"The truth about what?" She raised her voice as she played with her nails.

"Did (Y/N) really hit you?" My voice was low and serious. I wanted nothing but the truth and I was gonna get it.

She stared at me before rolling her eyes, "it doesn't matter if she did or she didn't, she's stupid and we're going to Six flags." She tried to reach over to turn on the ignition but I stopped her.

"She's not stupid at all! Sophia did you lie to me?! Did (Y/N) even hit you?!" I was beyond furious at this point.

"No she didn't! There are you happy?! Yes I lied! You're too close to her and I didn't like it, mystery solved!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

I was at a loss for words, I didn't know what to say.

All this time (Y/N) was telling me the truth and I didn't trust her. I didn't trust my best friend. Actually scratch that.

(Y/N) isn't my best friend.

She's the love of my life.

But I was too stupid to realize that.

Starting the car again I grew silent and began to drive back to Sophia's place.

"Ethan what the hell?!" She began screaming. I ignored her constant yelling and continued to drive to her apartment.

I pulled up and unlocked the doors not even bothering to look at the girl that I "loved".

"Get out," I muttered under my breath.

"You're kidding," she said with anger and disgust in her voice.

"I said," as I turned to her, no looks of joking, "get out."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse.

"Whatever, I never loved you anyways, thanks for all the free stuff," she spat at me before stomping off to her apartment.

I slumped in my car letting the entire situation sink in.

I needed to make things right with (Y/N).

There's gonna be one more part to this posted maybe tomorrow.

I had a really bad day and I'm so annoyed and stressed.

I'm sorry if this part wasn't amazing , I'm just really exhausted and mad. But thank you all for the sweet comments I really appreciate them 💜💜

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