persistent |e| pt. 2

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requested by comedy-dolan

summary : in which bad boy Ethan wants to take you on a date and he doesn't take no for an answer.

Ethan's pov :

I starred long and hard at the address scribbled on the piece of paper and the house in front of me.

It was currently 6:50 p.m and I was sat in my car waiting for the clock to hit 7:00 p.m.

She had given me her number so right after school I messaged her to wear something nice, casual but nice since I planned on taking her to a movie and then a restaurant.

I was always so calm and collected, always knowing how to approach her and what to say to her since I never thought she'd feel the same way.

But she just said yes to going on a date with me and I don't know how to act.

I glanced at the flowers sitting in the passenger seat.

Will she think it's much?

It's a little much but maybe she'll like it.

I never get nervous but I found my palms sweaty and my knees shaking. (Y/N) made it hard for me to breath let alone focus.

The time on my radio read 7:00 p.m

I hopped out of the car snatching the flowers as I walked up to her door.

After taking a deep breath I knocked on the door.

I heard an older woman's voice call, "(Y/N) I think he's here!" Oh my god I forgot to get flowers for her mom. What if her dad is inside. What if-

My thoughts were cut off by a woman greeting me at the door.

"Hi you must be Ethan," she warmly smiled extending her arm.

I smiled and shook her hand.

"Yes, I'm Ethan I'm here to take your daughter out on a date," I smiled big making my cheeks burn a lot.

"Well come on in, she'll be down soon," she put her arm around my shoulders letting me into her home.

"Thank you," I smiled as I walked inside.

Their house was beautifully decorated with very modern looking furniture.

I spotted a man sitting on a big chair, eyes glued to the tv.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I slowly approached the man. Don't be nervous Ethan, he'll think you're nice, right?

"Hi, I'm Ethan, I'm going to be taking your daughter out on a date, it's nice to meet you," I put on the most friendly smile as I extended my arm towards him.

The next thing I didn't expect. He started laughing.

I awkwardly laughed with him, unsure if it was a good or bad thing.

"Oh honey, that's not (Y/N)'s dad, that's her uncle, Mr. (Y/L/N) is no longer in the picture," (Y/N)'s mom laughed causing my face to flush in embarrassment.

"It's nice to meet you though kid, have a seat," her uncle shook my hand before gesturing towards the couch.

"I'm ready," I heard a faint voice causing my attention to turn to the stairs.

There goes the sweaty palms and shaky knees.

My jaw slowly fell upon seeing her.

She had on a spring floral looking dress that fell above her knees, white keds and a red headband with a little bow.

She looked beautiful. She always did.

Your pov :

Your eyes fell on Ethan who was struck by your appearance.

He looked amazing.

A button up black shirt, with a few buttons loose, black jeans, a leather jacket and black shoes.

His hair was tousled and you never thought you'd say this but it made your knees weak.

You approached him as he got up.

"These are for you," he handed you the bouquet of flowers.

It was a gesture you didn't expect from Ethan.

"thank you," you blushed walking over to your mom to give them to her.

"Let's get going?" You asked grabbing your purse.

He nodded walking towards the front door after bidding everyone a goodbye. After opening the door for you, you two were gone.

The car ride was surprisingly enjoyable. You both listened to the same music so you both sang along, ending up crying from laughter of your atrocious vocals.

He finally reached the theatre.

You both had decided of watching cock blockers, the new comedy movie that was released.

You had laughed together making jokes through out the movie.

Almost two thirds of the movie in you began to lean towards Ethan.

A little tense from your movement he sat still.

After laying your head on his shoulder he loosened up a bit. He draped his army around your shoulder and pulled you closer.

After the movie you both went to a sushi place nearby.

The waiter had brought your food as you engaged in conversation.

"Hey Ethan can I ask you something?" You picked up a sushi plopping it in your mouth.

"Yea?" He asked.

"Why do you always try to ask me out? Is it a joke or?" I trailed off.

Ethan's pov :

I knew this question was going to pop up sooner or later. It was pretty much inevitable.

"Because I genuinely like you. You're smart, funny, sassy and beautiful, I always shot my shot thinking one day you'd give me a chance, which you did and I really hope you'll let me take you out again soon," I confessed.

She looked shocked but her face soon went back to happy.

"Lucky you I guess, because one, I like you too, and two, I would love to go on a second date with you."

your pov :
After an amazing night, he dropped you off at home leaving a soft kiss on your lips.

"I'll call you," he said turning around.

"Wait, don't I get another kiss, that was just a peck," you complained wanting more of him.

He turned around and winked.

"You'll get it on our second date!"

I guess you had to go on another date.

I'm going to my aunt's place this weekend and I'm so excited! I love my aunt.

Also a guy asked me to be his partner in our school's prom fashion show so pray that ya girl don't fall 😂😂

Also what grade are you guys in ?
I'm a senior :D 💙💙

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