fork knife |e|

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requested by baddydolan

summary : in which your boyfriend Ethan challenges you to a match in fork knife. Oh sorry fortnite.

"Ethan! I swear to god! Wash the dishes!" You yelled from the kitchen as you placed the dishes in the sink.

"Hold on, I'm almost done with this match!" Ethan yelled back from his room.

Lately Ethan has been playing this game non stop called like fork knife or something and it would be a rare occasion if he took a break let alone leave his room.

"Ethan Grant Dolan if you don't come here and wash these dishes!" You screamed again.

There was a moment of silence before Ethan emerged from his room.

"Let me propose a challenge," he leans up against the counter. His quirky face left you curious.

"And what would that be?" You asked with your hands on your hips.

"Let's play one match of fortnite and who ever dies first has to wash the dishes," he smirked knowing you didn't know how to play or even say the damn name.

"You know that's not fair at all," you groaned making him chuckle.

"I'll teach you first and then we'll play a real match," he offered but even so, it wouldn't be easy for you to learn.

The only game you knew how to play was wii sports and even that you weren't very good at.

"You know what you're on Dolan," you spoke confidently knowing that he'll wash the dishes despite the outcome.

He lifted an eyebrow at your sudden confidence but followed behind to his room.

His PC was set up and he had his head set connected.

"Here take a seat," he rolled his comfy chair over to you before taking the chair by the desk in the corner of his room.

"What's the name of this game again like is it fork knife or?" You asked with your feet propped up on his desk.

He let out loud laughter and fell over.

"Stop," he said taking a breath, "please don't tell me you really think it's called fork knife," he laughed some more.

"Stop," you started to giggle hitting his shoulder.

"Baby it's called fortnite," he wiped his tears before grabbing the controller.

"Okay okay okay, back to the important stuff," he spoke turning the PC on.

"So the game is called fortnite battle royale, and basically you just have to survive as long as you can. It's you against about 99 other people. Last person alive wins," he explains.

"Sounds simple enough," you shrugged but little did you know.

He started the game and after he jumped out of the flying bus, your questions poured out like a waterfall.

What's that? How do you build that? How do you shoot that? Where's that? Why are you grabbing stuff? Why are you building stuff? What's going on? What's the storm?

You had absolutely no idea what was going on.

Ethan sounded like he was speaking nonsense and he spat out random tips and tricks.

"Always grab assault riffles, never build a fort or a large building, it'll make you more vulnerable to RPGs and other types of explosives. Drink your Shield Potion. It can raise your health bar. Don't land near other players," blah blah blah you understand absolutely nothing that came out of his mouth.

"Got it?" He asked as he finished the game in 1st place.

"You've got to be kidding me," you muttered making him chuckle.

"You know what gimme that I got this," you sat back on the chair starting up the game. It started out in this big field type of thing and you saw other players.

You ran towards the weapon and began attacking random people but to no avail.

Ethan's began to snicker making you hit him with the controller.

"You can shoot them, stab them, hit them, they're not gonna die, the game hasn't started yet," he laughed.

You rolled your eyes when suddenly that flying bus popped up on the screen.

"This is where you hop out and go somewhere," He suggested.

After waiting for other players to jump out you hopped out and started to aim yourself to a forest looking area.

"Bad call bad call," Ethan warned but you weren't gonna listen.

You continued on and landed.

"Weapons weapons weapons," you mumbled to yourself blindly running around when suddenly you were getting shot at

"What the f-" and as soon as it started it was over.

Ethan broke out into a fit of laughter at your shocked state.

"I didn't even get a chance!" You yelled. "I deserve at least three more shots," you restarted that game.

You ended up playing 18 more matches and dying in every one.

Fork knife just wasn't the game for you.

"I'm sorry babe but you agreed to the challenge you know what that means," he gloated as he guided you to the kitchen.

"I hate you," you muttered stomping over to the sink.

"No you don't," he smirked hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek.

"You're lucky that game isn't real, you'd be dead right now," you attempted to be scary but failed miserably.

"Sure sure," he smiled making the bed ready for you two to cuddle all night after your sad loss.

Do any of you play fortnite?

I used to but I sucked so I dipped 😂😂

Tomorrow I'm buying gifts for my teachers and then Tuesday I have my senior picnic and other stuff and then Wednesday ya girl is ditching 😂 and then Thursday ya girl is ditching high school in general cause she gonna be an official high school graduate 💙💙

Any of you like BTS ? If so do you want me to start a BTS imagines book?

I'm gonna let this one grow to 200 pages before I end it 😊

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