the other woman |e| pt. 1

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summary : in which Ethan did not stay true to his vow. To be loyal till death do you part.

Another late night waiting up. Another night of calls gone straight to voicemail. Another night without Ethan.

After being married for two years you figured that he would know you weren't stupid.

The constant excuse of working late, being with his friends and your personal favorite: 'I lost track of time'; was getting old.

You could smell the perfume on him. The out of place happiness he always had when he came home. They was his clothes were sloppily thrown on.

It was obvious and you weren't clueless.

Your marriage had a third party.

Biting your lip so hard it almost drew blood distracted you from the sound of a door opening.

You looked towards the front door and saw Ethan in all his glory.

Messy hair, unbuttoned shirt and the painfully obvious hickey on his neck.

"Ethan you're finally home" you plastered a fake smile onto your face.

He was taken back by your sudden appearance but he masked it quickly with a smile.

"Did you wait up (Y/N)? You must be tired" he held your face lovingly. For a second you had forgotten that those hands were probably on another woman not too long ago.

"No I was just reading, I'm not very tired anyways" you lied through your teeth.

"I made dinner" you pointed towards the kitchen.

"Oh (Y/N), you're amazing, thank you baby, I'm starving let's eat" he grinned heading towards the kitchen, hand in yours.

Funny thing is his wedding band was missing from his ring finger.

The first year of your marriage he would refuse to take it off. It was almost as if the ring was glued onto him but lately you found yourself forgetting what his wedding band even looked like.

He ate silently in the kitchen as you went up the stairs to finally go to bed.

There was no point in telling him "I love you" when he didn't feel the same anymore.

*the next morning*

You woke up to an empty bed; Ethan must have gone to work already.

"Time to make breakfast," you thought to yourself.

The day went on slower than usual.

It was a beautiful day so you decided to go out for lunch and take a walk in the park near by.

After eating a small café you headed towards the large park across the street.

You fiddled with your wedding ring as you walked down the path. Scenes of couples, families, children and elderly ones were everywhere around you.

This was the park where your love with Ethan began.


"Polly! Polly no!" You struggled to control your rather large dog as she chased after the squirrel.

One strong tug and she was out of your grasp sprinting down the grass.

"Polly!" You yelled running to catch up with her.

The park being so large made you struggle in finding Polly. Suddenly you saw her large body and tail wagging ferociously.

What's making her that way?

Your eyes traveled up to see the most beautiful man you had ever seen petting polly, looking around for her owner.

That's when his eyes landed on you; the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

*end of flashback*

This was also the park where he proposed.

Cheesy enough, he bought a dog similar to Polly since Polly had passed. Tied a note to her collar which said "find me by the tree on the hill."

Sure enough there was Ethan with a full set picnic and a beautiful diamond ring.

Sitting under that same tree now you struggled to find the happiness you once had when it came to these memories.

You thought about everything you and Ethan had been through and all the things you were going through now for hours.

By the time you felt your mind was clear the sun was almost out of view.

Ethan should be coming home in about three hours so it was time to go home and make dinner.

Walked up your driveway you noticed Ethan's car already in the driveway.

That's odd.

You unlocked the door and the second you walked in you stumbled over a pair of heels that were most definitely not yours.

You felt your eyes tear up at the automatic reason why he was home and someone else's shoes were here.

Someone was here with him.

You put your bag down and walked up the stairs, your assumption becoming more accurate with each step.

Moans and groans filled the air as you neared the bedroom you shared with Ethan.

Your mouth quivered as your hand held the knob. Twisting the door knob. The sight in front of you tore you apart.

Ethan was making love with someone else in your bed.

You couldn't find the words to say anything so you stood there for a few seconds when the girl suddenly squealed acknowledging your presence.

Ethan turned his head to see your tear stricken face.

"Oh no" his eyes widened realizing he had been caught.

He took himself out of her and he wrapped the blanket around his waist.

"Wait (Y/N)" he began but you shook your head turning around to hurry and leave.

"(Y/N) I can explain!" He almost stumbled over his own feet as he ran after you down the stairs.

"What is there to explain Ethan?!" You were fed up.

"You vowed to love me and only me till the day we die. You broke that vow! And don't even think about giving me the sad excuse of 'it was an accident'! I'm leaving."

You took off your wedding ring and threw it at him.

"No please (Y/N)" he sobbed as he held your hand.

You slowly turned to face him.

"You know, I vowed to love you till the day I die."

He looked at you with confusion written on all of his features.

"And you just killed me."

If anyone ever cheats on you please realize that you are better than that and you deserve better than that. ❤️❤️

I'll post another imagine tomorrow.



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