prank calls |g|

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requested by unicatlover

summary : in which you're dared to repeatedly prank call your crush Grayson.

"Andrea, no," you laughed pushing her playfully.

"You're such a wimp (Y/N), you know he's never going to know you exist unless you make a move," Andrea shoved the phone back into your hand.

"Just call him!" She whined at your hesitance.

"What if I prank call him instead? Technically I'm still calling him," you started to get the number ready.

"But (Y/N)," your best friend whined some more.

"Baby steps baby steps," you reassured her as you got ready, dialing *67 which blocks your number and makes it appear as private listing.

The phone started ringing and you could see Andrea jumping around.

"Hello?" Grayson's voice sounded through the speaker.

You felt your heart race in your chest and your nerves explode.

"Yea, hi sorry to bother you," you spoke in a high pitch voice, "but I was wondering if you know where babies come from?"

You almost had to knock Andrea out because she almost started laughing.

"I'm sorry what?" He was confused but you don't blame him.

"You know babies, those little humans? Yea like where do they come from?" You continued on with your prank call.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"I guess you don't know where they come from I'll just ask someone else," you spoke before hanging up.

Your eyes were wide and your heart raced.

You just spoke to Grayson Dolan. Your crush literally all of high school since freshman year. Now that you were a senior you had to make your move.

Andrea got a hold of his number and that's how you ended up in the situation you were in.

"Okay next truth or dare," you caught your breath looking at Andrea who was definitely not amused.

"No we're gonna call Grayson again, we can't just do it once," she grabbed your phone before you had time to protest.

"Andrea no!" You failed to retrieve your phone which was in the process of calling Grayson.

"Hello?" His voice sounded like he was thinking, 'what now?'

You went off the top of your head and randomly just started singing happy birthday.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU," you sang loud and ugly to mask your voice.

"Uh it's not my birthday I-"


"Uh," you cut him off yet one more time.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CAAARRRRRLLLLL," Andrea was now cracking up as she held the phone, trying to stifle her laugh by covering her mouth.

"I'm not Carl, I think you have the wrong-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY T- wait this isn't Carl?" You asked making Andrea laugh harder.

"No," was all that Grayson said.

"well shit," you said before hanging up.

Andrea now broke out in a fit of laughter making you laugh as well.

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