romeo and juliet |g| pt. 1

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requested by xxFatima13

summary : in which you find yourself falling for the popular senior in your school because the drama teacher decides to cast the two of you as Romeo and Juliet.

"Class! Settle down!" Your drama teacher, Mr. Moore yells as he struggles to control his students.

You shook your head at the rowdy football jocks that sat in the back. Most of the jocks were seniors and you being a junior thought they behaved like kindergarteners.

Continuing to read your book you hear Mr. Moore yell again, "Grayson! Sit down before I call security!"

The old man was truly exhausted of trying to calm the boys.

"Okay okay Moore, don't get your panties in a twist," Grayson, the most popular jock and senior of the entire school rolled his eyes.

Every guy wanted to be his friend and every girl wanted to date him or just wanted to you know, do the nasty with him. Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and all the Senior girls fawn over him where as you don't.

Mr. Moore groaned at his comment and began speaking.

"So for this year's school play we will be doing, drum roll please," Mr. Moore said to receive silence.

"You guys are the worst, we're doing Romeo and Juliet."

You heard some girls gasp and become giddy.

"I will not be auditioning anyone. I have already picked your rolls for you," The devious teacher smirked.

Every year you were usually apart of the stage crew since you weren't very vocal.

"Let me put up the rolls, and then you can all see who you'll be playing," Mr. Moore grabbed tape and began to stick the papers to the wall.

Once up, everyone ran to see what they got almost knocking you over.

Getting closer you noticed a lot of girls glaring at you and whispering. Did you have something on your face.

You looked at the list and your eyes widened. You were playing the role of Juliet and Grayson the one and only Dolan was cast as Romeo.

"You've got to be kidding me," you muttered softly under your breath.

Grayson finally walked down and looked at the paper.

"Who's (Y/N)?" Grayson asked lousy causing you to roll your eyes.

"Grayson, we literally have two classes together," you said annoyed. How did he not even know who you were?

"Oh," He cringed at your state. A big sweater, a messy bun, and big glasses. "Mr. Moore can Talia play Juliet instead?" Grayson yelled obnoxiously while winking at a popular girls

"No, I picked (Y/N) for a reason, all roles are final."

Grayson groaned and pushed past you.

You hate to say it but that genuinely hurt your feelings. He was so disappointed in you being Juliet and that made you feel like trash.

"Practice for the play will start tomorrow after school, every day we'll have practice for three months, I'll give you scripts, schedules and everything else tomorrow," Mr. Moore concluded.

Now you needed to get through 3 months of dealing with Grayson.

*the next day*

You fixed your cardigan as you walked into Drama class. Grayson was already inside flirting with Talia.

"I think you would've played a better Juliet," you hear Grayson mumble to Talia.

"I know I would've, (Y/N) looks more like the wicked witch of the west than a Juliet," Talia spoke loud and proud.

"Tell me Talia do you even know who wrote this play?" Your sudden confidence burst out of you taking them both by surprise.

"Mr. Moore, duh."

You rolled your eyes and laughed.

"Actually it was William Shakespeare, written in around the 1590's. Maybe if you read up on your plays, you'll get a lead role," you scoffed walking away from the two shocked seniors.

Practice started and Grayson kept fooling around with his friend, ignoring your presence next to him.

"Grayson, please can we practice," you asked softly.

He looked at your eyes before letting out a sigh, "Fine."

"Let's take it from Act 2 Scene 2?" You spoke.

Grayson nodded and continued on reading the script.

"This is too hard! I can't pronounce these words!" He groaned slamming down the script. You hated to say it but you felt bad cause he was truly trying.

He had his head in his hands and you didn't know what to do.

"Hey," you pat his back softly.

He looked up shocked at the sudden but kind gesture.

"Let's read it again and I'll help you with the words okay? You were doing great," you gave him a reassuring smile which to your surprise he returned.

"Okay," he said before reading it again.

The second time he stumbled a bit but kept going making you clap and smile at the end.

"See you did it! And you sounded like real like Romeo!" You gave him a high five.

Grayson wasn't used to girls treating him like this. You were completely real with him and that was different to him.

If you weren't happy with him you'd make it known but you always encouraged him and supported him genuinely.

"Thanks for the help (Y/N), I appreciate it," Grayson said awkwardly.

"Hey Grayson," you started. He nodded as if to say, 'go on'.

"I know you wanted Talia to be Juliet and I know I'm not who you wanted to end up with but if we can work together, we can make this play really good," you smiled.

Grayson was about to speak when Mr. Moore cut him off, "Practice is over!"

"Bye grayson," you smiled walking away.

That night he found himself thinking of nothing but your smile and how you were still kind to him after all the stupid things he said.


I have so much things coming up and I have projects due and testing and I need to make the poster for my friends promposal and I'm just stressing.

But this weekend I'll post more imagines ❤️

Did you guys like the new video this week? I love nolan 😂😂 and I thought it was hilarious. The seem much more relaxed and themselves so I love that 💙💙

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