my girl |g|

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requested by smokindolans

summary : in which you go to the beach with Grayson to have boys hit on you and he makes sure they never mess with his girl again

"Babe! Come on!" Grayson yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" You yelled back grabbing your sun glasses off the counter. Plopping the sun glasses on you jogged downstairs to meet Grayson.

"Finally" Grayson said sarcastically, throwing his arm around you.

"Let's go" He said grabbing his keys off the counter.

Since it was almost 100 degrees out you and gray decided to head to the beach.

You both hopped into the car ready to hit the road.

You were driving down the long street passing by a lot of different fast food places.

"I don't need it I don't need it" you kept repeating in your mind when all of a sudden you spotted Chick-fil-A.

"I NEED IT!" Your mind screamed.

"Gray" you said excitedly. "Can we drive through Chick-fil-A?"

You began to work your magic, giving him the big puppy eyes. "Pretty pretty please?" You made sure to pout your lip.

"Will I get a kiss?" Grayson asked pulling into the parking lot.

"You'll get millions of kisses" you exclaimed.

"I'm holding you to that" he said before pulling into the drive through.

You both orders chicken nuggets, waffle fries, and of course two milkshakes.

Grayson tried to argue that strawberry was the best but come on. Everyone knows chocolate is the best flavor.

With your food gathered into the car Grayson headed back on the road.

"Babe can you feed me a fry?" Grayson asks opening his mouth.

"Yea" you said taking the fry to his mouth. What caught him off guard is that last minute you swerved your hand plopping the fry in your mouth.

You began to laugh hysterically at Grayson's upset face.

"I'm just kidding I'm just kidding" you said dying down from your laughter.

You took two fries and let him eat it out of your hand.

In only 20 minutes you guys had arrived at the beach.

"You grab the food I'll grab the blankets and umbrella" Grayson pointed to the bag of Chick-fil-A.

He walked to the trunk and pulled out the umbrella and the towels and blankets. You pulled your sunglasses over your eyes and began to walk with Grayson to find a spot.

Grayson settled the blanket on the sand and began to set up the umbrella over it.

Children were running around and seagulls were flying all over the place. You truly loved the beach.

You sat down finishing your waffle fries.

"You wanna hit the water?" Grayson asked taking off his shirt.

"Yea give me a second" you said getting up taking off your clothes.

You were in a really cute two piece that accented your curves.

"You're so beautiful like damn" Grayson said pulling you close kissing your cheek.

"Same to you dolan" you smirked kissing his lips.

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