not in that way |g|

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requested by zionspurpose

summary : in which you love Grayson and he loves you too just not in that way.

based on the song - Not in that way by San Smith

It wasn't easy being in love with your best friend.

Everyone would always tell you, "one of you will end up falling for the other," and you always shook it off not realizing it would actually happen.

You were completely in love with Grayson, your best friend of 8 years. From 6th graders in middle school to freshmen in college.

You two had been through everything together, Experienced everything together, and did everything together.

The most inseparable duo you'd ever seen.

It started about two and a half years ago when you started developing feelings for Grayson.

His girlfriend had cheated on him and he cane over crying and seeking comfort. This made you realize how much better you could treats him if you were together.

That small thought sparked feelings that grew and spreader like a wild fire.

Today you and Grayson had planned a beach day, just the two of you.

He had discovered this hidden beach with Ethan a few weeks ago and he had been dying to take you since you loved cliff jumping.

"Let's get going," Grayson called from his car as you struggled to hold everything.

"You're so helpless," he laughed before getting out and taking everything out of your hands so you wouldn't have to struggle.

From there he drove to a burger joint on the side of the PCH.

After ordering you both burgers, fries and shakes he began the drive to god knows where since you'd never been to the beach.

"(Y/N) can you feed me some fries?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road but opening his mouth.

You giggled at how cute he was before grabbing a fry.

"Ketchup?" You asked.

He nodded excitedly with the most adorable grin.

You dipped the fry in some ketchup and plopped it in his mouth.

A small gloop of ketchup landed on the bottom of his lip. Without even thinking you dragged your thumb across his lip to wipe it off.

He glanced at you confused before your realized what you did.

"Sorry there was ketchup on your face I had to get it," you quickly stammered.

"It's fine (Y/N)," he smiled before returning his gaze to the road in front of him. The drive continued with bad jokes and bad singing.

When you finally arrived at the beach you saw it was vacant as Grayson had said, "a hidden beach."

"It's beautiful here," you commented.

"I told you," Grayson smiled to himself.

After setting down the towels and all the materials Grayson automatically took off his shirt and went into the water.

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