dumb decision |e|

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requested by dolxn_kisses

summary : in which, you and Ethan have a thing on the low key but when he finally pops the question you high key make a dumb decision.

"(Y/N), Grayson wants to go to the carnival that's in town tonight and I wanted to know if you wanted to join us?" Ethan said over the phone.

"I don't want him to feel like he's third wheeling," you sighed.

You were close friends with the Dolan Twins. You had been friends for years. It wasn't until a few months ago that you and Ethan began developing feelings for one another.

But because you didn't want Grayson to feel left out, you and Ethan kept your feelings and flirting on the low key. You two were practically dating, just without the title.

"He won't know (Y/N), it's been 6 months and he's still oblivious to us," Ethan groaned.

"Okay fine, but be low key," you smiled to yourself thinking of spending time with Ethan.

"Yess! We'll come get you at 6:00 is the fine?" He asked as you glanced at the clock.

It was currently 4:18 p.m so you had a lot of time to get ready.

"Yess, that's great, I'll seen you later Ethan."

"Bye beautiful," he hung up leaving you with a big smile and a fluttering heart.

You began to start on your makeup and your hair. Clothes were scattered all around the ground as you searched for a cute outfit.

You decided to go with a cute summer dress, a denim jacket and white ked shoes. You were tying your curled hair up in a ponytail when you heard your mom yell from downstairs.

"(Y/N)! Honey, Ethan and Grayson are here!"

"I'm coming!" You yelled back as you checked yourself once more. You threw your backpack on and ran downstairs.

Ethan and Grayson were sat on the couch talking to your mom and dad. Grayson was too caught up in conversation to see you but Ethan couldn't keep his eyes off of you.

"Oh honey you look so nice!" Your mom squealed in excitement.

Now all eyes were on you.

"Thank you mom, I'm ready to go, let's go," you smiled at your two best friends.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N)," Ethan and Grayson waved good bye.

"Bye mom, bye dad," you called out as you left the house. You heard their calls before you shut the door.

"You look beautiful," you heard Ethan whisper to you as he opened the back door for you.

You smiled softly at him before getting inside.

It didn't take long for you three to reach the carnival grounds but it felt like a long time with Ethan and Grayson's interesting singing and rapping skills.

Grayson bought his ticket as Ethan paid for yours.

Walking in, the first thing you spotted was the gigantic Ferris wheel. There was something about Ferris wheels that you just loved so you jumped with joy.

"Guys let's go on the Ferris wheel!" You point making Ethan smile and Grayson cringe.

"I don't like heights but you and Ethan can go, I'm gonna go get a funnel cake," Grayson dipped as soon as he saw the Ferris wheel.

I think he just used that excuse to go get a funnel cake.

Ethan didn't mind though. Once his brother was out of sight he grabbed your hand and ran to the Ferris wheel.

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