i dont know you |e| pt. 2

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requested by @zaynpsyco (idk why it won't tag you)

summary : in which Ethan does not date fans so you pretend you don't know who he is. he won't find out... right ?

your pov :

It's been about a year and a half since that day you met Ethan.

There was one problem though. You knew who Ethan was from the start.

When you were giving him his money you didn't she his face till her turned around and yelled at you.

Even though you are a fan, you weren't going to tolerate that kind of behavior.

You knew Ethan didn't date fans so you were always scarred that he would find out.

So far things were going good. Until one day they weren't.

Things were blowing up on twitter but you hadn't bother to check it out.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Ethan from the living room.

"Yea?" You replied beginning to make yourself some breakfast.

You heard his footsteps start to trail into the kitchen.

"Do you want me to make you something babe?" You asked getting out your ingredients.

"No I want you to explain something" He said sternly.

He can't be talking about what you think he's talking about.... right?

"Explain what?" You played it cool.

"This!" He raises his voice a little placing the phone in front of you.

Apparently fans had gotten a hold of a bunch of old pictures showing that you did in fact know who he was.

It was picture of you in their merch, an old fan account of yours and even fan fiction.

You swallowed hard and looked at his face for a hint of any emotion.

It only read anger.

"I can explain Ethan" you said slowly trying to come around the table to stand directly in front of him.

"There's nothing to explain (Y/N). You said you didn't know who I was. But I guess you did, didn't you" He was clearly upset now.

"Ethan-" he proceeded to cut you off.

"You knew how I felt about dating fans, I wanted someone who likes me just by getting to know me, not someone who already thinks they know me!" He was now yelling as he walked away from you.

"Seriously Ethan can you just listen and stop making like this is a big deal?" You yelled back following him.

"Making like this is a big deal? It is a big deal! You lied to me!"


"No don't even bother explaining, were your intentions ever to date me based on how you feel about me or based on my status?" Now he was being ridiculous.

"Listen to what you're saying Ethan that's ridiculous!"

"Just get out, I want to be by myself right now" he sighed not even bothering to look at you.

"Ethan. I never lied to you. I have always been straight up and honest with you. I never thought I knew you through Youtube. The second I met you in that cafe it determined what kind of person I thought you were. I don't give a damn about your status, your game, who you are on a screen. I care about who you are, who you truly are. I love the Ethan Dolan that you are 24/7. I love you for who you are because you're an amazing human being. But I guess you don't love me enough to see that me being a fan and supporting you is a good thing!" You finished before grabbing your keys and phone and heading out the door.

He flinched at the loud slamming noise that emitted from your door slam.

Ethan's pov :

I let out an angry scream.

Why am I mad?

I can't seriously be mad at (Y/N).

I was mad for thinking it mattered that (Y/N) was a fan.

Grabbing my phone I dialed Grayson's number.

"Hey Gray" I started. "Did you see it?"

"Yea I saw it, so what?" Grayson said truthfully.

"Why does it matter if she's a fan" my silence gave him the opportunity to speak up again.

"Don't tell me you did something stupid" he paused for one second before speaking again.

"You did do something stupid! What did you do?"

"I yelled at her and told her to get out, Grayson she lied to me" I tried to say.

"You're an idiot, she never lied to you. If she loved you as the Ethan from Youtube then she would've allowed you to talk to her rudely at the cafe. She's a real and straight up girl. She stood up for what she believed and despite knowing who you were she spoke to you with no hint of adoration. She grew to love you as who you are in real life. What makes it any different if she's a fan? That means she supports you. You really screwed up and you need to get her back" Grayson said before hanging up.

He was right.

I called up (Y/N) frantically, hoping she would answer.

"Ethan don't you dare try-" I cut her off.

"Please come back home, I'm sorry, let me talk to you in person" I pleaded.

"I thought you just did" she spat.

"(Y/N) I don't know why I reacted the way I did. You being a fan doesn't affect the love I have for you. Please come home" A warm tear trickled down my face.

"Fine" she muttered before hanging up.

She came home and I crushed her in a tight embrace.

"It doesn't matter that you're a fan. I just freaked out and I don't know why. But I love you and nothings going to change that."

I was right , nothing would change that.

I'll be posting more either tonight or tomorrow 👌🏽 I'm so tired y'all 😂

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