the kissing booth |e|

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requested by ethscakes

based off the movie 'the kissing booth'
contains spoilers

summary : in which you break rule number 9, falling in love and accidentally kissing your best friend's bad boy twin brother, Ethan.

This is not easy at all by any means.

Being in love with your best friend's twin brother.

His name is Ethan Grant Dolan. The bad boy of East High School, the heart throb jock of not just the senior class, but the entire school. He practically had the world on a silver platter.

You could only admire from a distance since your best friend Grayson established rule number 9 of your friendship.

Relatives are strictly off limits, especially Ethan.

This is what made your life hard. This is what was not easy.

Your thoughts were snapped out of trance when the head of the student council called your name.

"(Y/N) and Grayson, leaders of the dance club, what is your booth idea for the carnival, this weekend," Penelope's British accent rang loudly.

"Um well, we were thinking, and this is a great idea for everyone," you dragged on looking at your cards when suddenly Grayson bursted.

"A kissing booth!"

Rolling your eyes, you threw all of your cards in the air, "any questions?"

"What about germs?" Penelope asks in a disgusted tone.

"The kissing booth is 100% voluntary," Grayson spoke loud and proud.

"And who would be working?" Crystal, one of the popular girls asked with a smirk on her face.

"Well we've got a lot of A-Listers," you lied through your teeth.

"Would Ethan Dolan be working?" Angel, the head of the popular girls raised her brow.

Grayson was about to protest when you stopped him, "Yes, Dolan will be there, working the booth, he will be there," another lie.

"Great it's settled," Penelope jumped up immediately upon hearing Ethan would be working the booth, "kissing booth is in."

You looked at Grayson ready for a high five which he returned with a dead pan face.

"How are you gonna get Ethan to do the booth you know he won't!" Grayson angrily muttered as the two of you walked out of the conference hall.

"Don't worry I got this," you smirked at Grayson, but now that you were stood in front of Ethan Dolan who was making out with a random chick you realized you don't got this.

"Hey Ethan," you asked tapping him softly.

"I haven't seen Grayson," he muttered, barely passing you a glance.

He continued To above his tongue down some girl's throat when you spoke up again.

"Actually it's not about Gra-" you were cut off when the girl furiously turned around.

"Can't you see we're busy here, can't you go annoy someone else?" She shoved you onto the dirt causing Ethan to immediately step in.

"I think you should go," he said sternly to the girl.

"The hell why?" Now she was really mad.

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