a long time |g|

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requested by daddiessss

summary : in which you see your best friend for the first time in a long time and puberty hit him like a truck.

Having a best friend is everyone's dream.

To have that one person that knows you better than you know yourself. Who is there for you whenever you need them and is always your go to for everything.

Most girls would say their best friend is another girl. You didn't relate in that sense.

Your best friend's name is Grayson and yes he is a male.

You have been best friends since the 5th grade all the way up to now.

In the 9th grade he moved to Los Angeles leaving you behind in New Jersey. You both stayed in contact and messaged each other every day but for you it wasn't enough.

You missed your best friend.

That was when you got a message from Grayson.

"Hey so since we both graduated I want to fly you over to Los Angeles so that we can finally see each other again and hang out, I miss you (Y/N) :(("

"Of course but I can just pay for my own ticket Gray, you don't have to pay :)"

"Fine, but you're staying at my apartment not a hotel deal?"

"Deal ❤️"

Now here you were walking out of the terminal to finally see Grayson after 4 years.

You had no idea what he looked like now because he deleted all forms of social media and did not use Skype or FaceTime.

You both usually called each other each night for the past four years. His voice definitely became much deeper, that's all you know. You had no idea how puberty hit him externally wise.

The airport was filled with people trying to get places, find terminals and find other people.

The buzz in your pocket indicated that Grayson must've messaged you.

"Did you land?"

"Yea I just left terminal 18 where do you want to meet up?"

"Stay there I'm almost there I'm walking past terminal 16, see you soon ❤️"

"I'm gonna leap in your arms so prepare yourself"

"Trust me I'm ready"

Your hands got sweaty and you were getting nervous. He's your best friend but you haven't seen him in a long time.

What if he thought you got ugly? What if he's disappointed? What if-

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard your name being shouted from down the hall.

Whipping around you saw a very very tall guy standing there in a t-shirt and ripped jeans.

There's no way.

"(Y/N)" he shouted again; his eyes wide but his smile wider.

"Grayson!" You screamed running as fast as your legs could take you as he did the same.

You leaned into his arms and wrapped your legs around his waist.

"Oh my gosh (Y/N) it's been so long," he said as he nuzzled his head into your hair. He was strong, very very strong.

"Oh Grayson, I've missed you so much," you held on as tight as you could not wanting to let him go in the slightest.

After sprinting you around a couple of times he finally placed you on the ground to allow you to look at him for the first time in four years and for him to do the same.

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