reality |g|

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requested by ChargingAssClown

summary : in which grayson falls for the new girl in town but sometimes, everything isn't what it seems.

Grayson's pov :

The town I live in is very small so when there's some one new in town everyone takes notice.

I remember seeing her a couple days ago.

I was at the local farmers market shopping for groceries when she rolls up on her bright yellow bike.

She caught my attention immediately.

Short wavy brown hair, long slender legs and a smile brighter than the color of her bike.

She was so beautiful I almost dropped by bag of fruits.

Her bike was equipped with a basket in the front which was white. She was dressed in a cute summer dress with sunflowers printed all over.

I was only a stand away from her.

Questions roamed my head as I wondered, who was she? Where did she come from? Was she visiting or did she move here?

I put down the avocado in my hand and strolled over to the stand she was looking at.

It was a strawberry stand and although I already bought strawberries there's no pain in looking at the stand again.

Now I was almost right next to her.

I could see her long eyelashes, her big doe brown eyes and the little freckles that covered her button nose. She was stunning.

Suddenly I was snapped out of my trance.

"Have you had these before?" She asks me out of the blue.

"Yea, they're really sweet, they taste great," I choked out nervously.

"Good to know," she smiled at me making my knees grow wobbly. She then took a box off the table and paid the man.

After placing the berries in her basket she walked on.

I thought that would be the last time I saw her but I was wrong.

Every week on Saturday, I would see her at the farmer's market buying strawberries, avocados, dates and broccoli.

I learned her name is (Y/N), her favorite color was yellow and she loves strawberries.

She learned my name is Grayson, my favorite color is green and I love blueberries.

After about three weeks she finally saved my number under, 'Farmers Market boy🍓'.

I never thought she'd say yes when I asked her out on a date to cooking together at my place after buying some ingredients at the farmers market but I guess I was wrong since I was now here with her in my kitchen.

"Grayson, no," she giggled hitting my shoulder. "It's garlic and then the shrimp," she took the garlic from my hand before cutting it to thin pieces.

"Sorry chef (Y/N)," I spoke sarcastically earning another playful hit.

"Just start cutting the onions," she rolled her eyes cutely before cooking the garlic with the shrimp.

Next thing we knew we were sitting at my candle lit dinner eating the shrimp and bacon pesto pasta.

"You're a great cook," I complimented her since she cooked everything.

"You're a great mincer," she smiled since I cut all the vegetables. "I guess we make a pretty good team," she said under her breath.

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