grown |e|

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requested by @suhhhdolan

inspired by the song : grown by little mix

summary : in which your high school bully she's how beautiful you've grown at the high school reunion and remembers everything he's done to you.

"What's up dork," Ethan slammed your textbooks out of your hands.

"Did you do my homework?" He asked trapping you against the lockers. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"Why would I do your homework?" You stood your ground not scared of the ignorant jock that stood before you.

"Because I told you too, but I'm guessing you didn't do it," His voice got low.

"No I didn't, what are you gonna do about it?"

Suddenly without word a cold substance was thrown at you. It was Coca Cola. You gasped at the sudden action and jumped.

The drink dripped down your head and clothes onto the ground below.

Laughter roared down the hall as people began to record and film the situation.

"What the hell ethan!" You screamed before running to the bathroom slipping in the process due to the liquid on your shoe.

People continued to laugh harder as you struggled to get up.

Tears streamed down your face as you ran into the girls room.

And that wasn't even your worst memory of Ethan.

Tonight was your high school reunion and you tried to not let the past bother you but you couldn't help it.

All the things your bully Ethan did to you ruined your years in high school and because of what. The way you looked? The things you were into? The way you dressed?

He was an idiotic but god damn attractive jock who made your life at high school a living hell and you prayed he wouldn't show up tonight.

You even contemplated why you were going.

You didn't have much friends in high school and no body probably remembered you.

But then again, you changed A LOT since high school.

You've become a successful CEO of a major company, you said goodbye to braces, glasses and granny skirts and hello to a rocking body, brand new look and brand clothes all while being single.

Staring at your reflection in the mirror, al of your insecurities came flooding back.

But sucking it up you grabbed the keys to your car and was set to go.

Ethan's Pov :

I sat inside the gym laughing with my friends from back in high school. We hadn't seen each other in years and it felt like no one changed a bit.

The cheerleaders acted the same but looked definitely older and not as fit. The nerds all looked the same just older and all of us jocks still look great except for Victor, he's starting to go bald (he says it's just thinning).

I thought everybody was here until I heard the gym door open.

'Who is that?' Was the first thing that popped into my mind.

This lady walks in dressed in dress pants, a black blazer with no top underneath and black stilettos.

She ran her perfectly manicured nails through her straight shoulder length black hair and began walking forward.

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