trust |e| pt. 1

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requested by starrydolan

summary : when you're in love with your best friend Ethan but his new girlfriend is the legit devil in a mini skirt how can you get him to trust you when you say she's trying to take you out of the picture ?

Ethan Dolan. Anyone and everyone could see that you guys were the closest pair of best friends anyone had ever seen. Anyone and everyone could see the amount of love and admiration in your eyes when you looked at him.

Everyone but himself.

He was oblivious to your immense love for him, too hypnotized by Sophia. His she-devil girlfriend

If the devil was real it was Sophia. She was beautiful on the outside but pure evil on the inside and her main objective was to get you out of the picture.

They have been dating for only about 5 months but it didn't take him long to fall completely head over heels for her.

She had the hair, the face, the boobs, the butt, the legs. Everything but the personality. But Ethan wasn't focused on her personality which was quite obvious.

In the five months they've been together you couldn't keep count on the amount of shoes, bags, and jewelry he has bought her.

She had him on a leash and as much as you tried to get him to see that the angrier he'd get.

One day that anger reached its point.

Today you were scheduled to go to six flags with Ethan. Just a day with your best friend at the thrill capital of the world.

So you were beyond surprised and angered when Ethan showed up at your doorstep hand in hand with Sophia.

Welcoming them in you pulled Ethan to the side.

"Ethan what is she doing here?" You nodded towards the mini skirt wearing devil.

"I invited her, I thought you two could get to know each other better," he tried to reason with you.

"Ethan I have met Sophia multiple times and each time it seems like her hate for me grows which in time became mutual."

It was true at first you were civil and tried to be nice to her but she only ever had one goal. Making sure Ethan only focused on one girl in his life and that it wasn't you.

"She's coming, She's my girlfriend so she can come," he tried to walk away when you grabbed his wrist.

"Ethan she doesn't like me, can't you see? She's trying to take you away from me, to end our friendship," you looked at him with pleading eyes.

After a moment of silence he slowly removed his wrist from your grip. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Watching him walk away you sighed sitting on the stool when you heard a giggle from the dinner table.

"That was cute," Sophia's dreadful voice sounded. "But you realize he'll never listen to you because he's too in love with me right?"

Sophia stood up, tall and proud of her victory.

"And it's funny, because I know you're in love with him, I can see it in your eyes," she lured closer to you. "But he definitely doesn't feel the same way towards you."

You were at a loss of words. Never before has she attacked you straight on.

"He'll never see you more as a sad excuse of a friend and a woman. You're ugly, you're annoying and you're just," she paused, playing with her manicured fingers, "not me."

You didn't notice that you started crying. Her words hit an insecurity deep inside of you.

Footsteps were around the corner when Sophia suddenly slapped herself in the face with all her might,

Before you could process what she was doing Ethan walked into the room to see your hand in the air about to comb through your hair and a crouch Sophia fake crying and holding her brightly reddened cheek.

"What happened Sophia?!" Ethan ran up to her not bothering to ask you.

"I was trying to tell (Y/N) thank you for letting me join when she just got all angry as if I was trying to ruin your friendship and she smacked me!" Her voice was a pitch and annoying in the sense.

Without even contemplating if it was the truth Ethan turned to you, anger written all over his face.

"Ethan she's-" you started off just to be cut off.

"Let me guess she's lying? Why would she do that (Y/N)? She doesn't try to gain attention like you! She's actually trying to be your friend and you hit her in the face?! Really? That's it, I'm going with Sophia to six flags and I don't want you coming. Not just to six flags but in general I don't want to be near you because you disgust me," he said without giving you time to even breath.

"What?" Your voice broke upon his last words.

You disgust me.

Is that really how low he thought of you? Is that how much he trust you? After 7 yers of being best friends he turned on you in 7 seconds for a busty girl?

He grabs Sophia's hand to take her away from your house before turning and squinting his eyes at yours fighting the urge to yell.

"Goodbye (Y/N)."

I'll do a part two to this. I'm sorry guys I've been crazzzyyyy busy because I had dress fightings and tomorrow I have prom fashion show and then Friday I have a dance show and I'm just so tired and stressed .

How are you guys doing ? 💙

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