trust |e| pt. 3

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requested by starrydolan

summary : when you're in love with your best friend Ethan but his new girlfriend is the legit devil in a mini skirt how can you get him to trust you when you say she's trying to take you out of the picture ?

Ethan's pov :

I quickly started the engine and made the rush back to (Y/N)'s apartment.

I wish I had realized earlier. How much (Y/N) means to me. She tried to tell me and I wouldn't believe her. I didn't trust her and I should've.

Pulling up in front of her apartment not caring that I was in a tow zone, I sprinted to the lobby.

The doorman automatically recognized me since I practically lived there. He gave me a questioning look as I ran in, as that wasn't what I usually did.

He suspected something was wrong. But before he had the chance to ask I was already in the elevator.

I bit down on my lip, bouncing around nervously. I prayed she was still at home and I prayed that she would forgive me since I knew how she held grudges.

You disgust me.

Why would I say that to her?

She's amazing and in no way, shape, or form disgusting.

The elevator finally stopped at her floor and I almost tripped over my own feet running down to her apartment.

Halting to a stop I stared at the three numbers in front of me: 729, her apartment.

I gulped in the lump that laid in my throat. I had never screwed up this bad with (Y/N). Sure we've had our fights but it was never where I crossed the line.

Slowly lifting up my hand I knocked on her door. "(Y/N)?"

There was silence so I decided to knock again but before I could I heard the small sound of footsteps in the distance growing louder.

I straightened up to see the knob unlocking.

Quickly wiping the tears from my eyes, I fixed my posture.

The door opened slightly enough for me to see half of (Y/N)'s face. It was enough to let me see that she had been sobbing since her eyes were red and cheeks were puffy.

"(Y/N) let me in please, I'm so sorry," I tried to hold her hand which she rapidly removed from my reach.

"For saying I'm disgusting? For leaving me alone? For not trusting me? For letting me go quick and conveniently? For what Ethan?" Her voice cracked and so did my heart.

"Please (Y/N)," I begged but she just shook her head.

Being the stubborn guy I am I wasn't leaving her this time. Not without a fight.

I shoved my foot into the small space between the door and the wall and crammed into her apartment.

Shutting the door behind me I moved closer to (Y/an) who was shocked at my aggressive behavior.

"I'm not going to leave until you let me explain."

She looked at me through the tears that lined her eyes and nodded towards the couch.

"Hurry up," she muttered sitting down on the chair in front of the couch.

I sat down and looked up at (Y/N). Despite her teary eyes, her red nose and her puffy cheeks she still managed to make it hard for me to breath.

I always thought it was Sophia but god was I wrong.

"(Y/N) I uh," I found it difficult to get the three words out. "I love you," I quickly spit out the words. Feeling relieved I sighed before she asked, "what?"

"I said I love you," I looked into her eyes for a sign of disgust or uncomfortableness. Instead all I could see was shock.

"But Sophia, I'm disgusting you said so your-"

"I was wrong," I finally gathered up the confidence as I held her hand. "Sophia was never the one for me. You always knew that too. I guess I was just trying to get the relationship I had always wanted with you through someone else since I didn't want to lose what we have. I didn't want to believe that Sophia didn't love me because then it made me think no one would love me. You're out of my league and I'm lucky enough to have you as a friend. I'm sorry I should've told you this earlier and I don't know if you feel the same but I love you and you do not disgust me. I disgust myself. You're the most honest, loyal, sweet and amazing person I have ever met. Please just give me a chance to fix things. I love you."

She had tears in her eyes yet again. Oh no I scared her and no she thinks I'm weird since I like her, I should-

My thoughts were cut off the second she smashed her lips into my own.

My eyes widened in shock before I began kissing her back. Did she feel the same way or was she just trying to get me to shut up?

She pulled away and said, "I love you too idiot, now shut up and kiss me."

We know each other better than we know ourselves and finally I have the relationship that I had always wanted with the girl I have always wanted.

Idk how I feel about the ending ?¿ I'm super excited because infinity war comes out this Friday and I have tiCKETS YIPPEEEE!

So I'm finally not stressed and I'm ready to pump our imagines for you guys 💙💙

Are any of you going to go see Avengers infinity war ? 😆❤️

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