always be there |g|

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requested by cucumberdolan99

summary : in which, hate is getting too much on him and he finally lets it all out while you let him know, you'll always be there for him.

Grayson's pov :

I know it isn't good to surround myself with negative thoughts. I always encourage other to look at the positive things in life.

But here I am, totally contradicting my words by viewing hate comments.

I found myself doing this frequently for the past two weeks. I hate to say it but I do care what people think of me.

Not even an hour ago I posted our new video and I had already read over thirty hate comments.

I sighed, pulling my hair. This constant flow of hate never seemed to end and I realize no matter what, not everyone will like you or your content but I never thought this many people would dislike me.

"You guys are gay"

"This is the stupidest s*** I've seen on YouTube, you're telling me people enjoy this?"

"I don't know why all these girls think they're attractive, they're ugly and annoying as f***, never watching another video of them again"

"They think they're the s*** but they're not"

"Do the world a favor and kill yourself"

Those are but of a few of the comments I've read. I don't even want to go into what the other said.

I sat in the work room of the warehouse chewing my cheek.

(Y/N) was coming over to hang out and I couldn't help but find my mood going blue from these comments.

I couldn't even talk to my girlfriend about it because I was so embarrassed of my emotions. This is what I do for a living, I shouldn't be complaining because of a little hate.

A ding from my phone snapped me back to reality.

"I'm outside :)," it read.

I went on my phone and unlocked the garage to let her in.

Closing the laptop I took a deep breath and put a fake smile over my face, not wanting my girlfriend to worry.

"I brought pizzzzzaaaaaaa," I heard her cheerful voice as she turned the corner presenting her two boxes of pizza.

I couldn't help my chuckle at her adorable ness.

Ethan peeped out of the game room like a raccoon. He must've heard the word pizza.

He zoomed out of the room while (Y/N) handed him his box of pineapple pizza.

"Thank you," he quickly said before running back to his game room.

I rolled my eyes laughing as I pulled (Y/N) close planting a kiss on her lips.

"Let's go eat these and then we'll do some fun stuff," I smiled raising my eyebrows. This was gonna be her first time trying out all the fun things we have in the warehouse.

"Let's go!" She hopped up.

After eating the pizza we jumped on the trampoline, jumped in the foam pit and skated on the ramps.

your pov :

You had fun with Grayson but you knew something was bothering him.

After dating him for so long you just know when he's not himself and something is on his mind.

He was faxing off and almost constantly had a frown on his face.

You were now cuddling in his bedroom at the warehouse.

He must of thought you were sleeping as he stared straight on at the turned off tv while playing with your hair.

"Baby," you whispered causing him to snap his head down.

"Hmm?" He tried to pretend that he was fine.

"What's going on with you? I can tell something's bothering you, talk to me," you reached up and stroked his cheek.

"Nothings bothering me babe," he gave you the fakest chuckle you had ever heard.

Keeping a stern face you got up and sat in front of him on his lap. "What's wrong Grayson?" You said softer.

He looked deep in your eyes realizing that there was no way you'd let it go.

He sighed and looked down. He bit his lip thinking of what he read earlier and other hateful things he had read throughout the two weeks.

"Um," he swallowed the lump in his throat before he did something you hadn't seen him do in your two years of dating him.

He broke down and started sobbing.

Sure you had seen him cry but never to this painful extent.

Your eyes widened at the sudden burst of emotion but you were quick to wrap your arms around him.

With your left hand you held his head and with the right you rubbed his back soothingly and slowly.

"Shhhh, shhhhhh I'm here, I'm here," you whispered rocking him back and forth.

His breathing started to become uneven and you didn't even realize you were now crying.

You pulled away and tilted his face upwards.

His eyes were red and his nose was stuffy.

You brought your thumbs up and began to wipe his tears.

He looked deep in your eyes and started to calm down his breathing. Something about your soft eyes had calmed him down.

After a few more minutes of catching his breath he spoke up.

Grayson's pov :

"For the past two weeks I've been reading a lot of hate comments about Ethan and I. I shouldn't have let it gotten to my head but I did. I just don't know why so many people hate us. We try to please everyone but so many people still hate us. Their words are so hurtful and I just can't seem to get past what they say," I sniffled choking on my breath.

She gave me a sorrowful face before holding my cheek.

"Look at me Grayson," she said calmly.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I didn't want you to worry, I just thought that it was stupid that I was feeling this way."

Her eyes softened.

"Grayson, I want to be your support system. I'll always be here for you. Always. It is not stupid to feel like this. Words hurt and it's not stupid to feel pain. It's true people won't always like you, people might hate you. But just know there are more people that love you rather than hate you. I know sometimes it's hard to focus on the positive when there's such harsh negativity. But think of how many life's you've saved. How many life's you've changed. You have a positive impact on so many people, me, your family and your fans. You don't need to please anyone, you'll never be happy if you try to please everyone. Keep doing what you're doing, keep focusing on the positive comments and keep being the amazing wonderful guy I know."

Now I was crying but not because I was sad but because I was filled with joy.

"I love you so much (Y/N)," I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you Grayson."

Every day after that she would send me stories of fans that say how Ethan and I have changed their life and in fact saved some of them.

And even though the negative kept coming, I made sure it was only the positive that counted.

So part two of persistence will be up tomorrow, maybe ???

Haha I go back to school tomorrow and I have crutches , yaaayyy 😭🤦🏽‍♀️

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