the other woman |e| pt. 2

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requested by Dolantwinsbooks

summary : in which Ethan did not stay true to his vow. To be loyal till death do you part.

Ethan's pained voice shouted from the door as you stormed out.

You bit your lip, fighting the urge to look back at the love of your life. But you didn't want to turn back around to see her leaving.

Her blouse was probably sloppily thrown on, makeup messed up, and her neck was probably covered in love bites made by your husband.

You continued to walking blindly and aimlessly when suddenly you heard the honk of a loud car, rapidly approaching.

You turned to see two bright head lights rushing at you.

"(Y/N)!" Ethan's voice screamed.

You clenched your eyes, bracing for the impact.

The noise of tires screeching, glass shattering and the thump of a body sounded but you felt no impact.

You were plopped on the grass and the car hadn't hit you.

It hit the person that pushed you out of harms way.


"Ethan!" You screamed in fear.

Every little hatred that you felt towards him. Every little mistake that he had made. Every little thing that made you mad just a few minutes ago disappeared within a few seconds.

You sprinted over to Ethan's lifeless body which was sprawled on the road.

"Oh my god no no no" you had no time to prevent the tears that automatically poured out.

Ethan's eyes were closed and blood ran down his forehead. Scratches and cuts littering his exposed skin.

"Ethan baby wake up," you cried frantically sweeping his hair out of his face.

Was it safe to move him?

You turned around to see the driver stepping out of his car and the girl that you harbored hate for a few seconds ago in utter shock.

"Don't just stand there call the ambulance! Do something quick!" You screamed the loudest you ever had.

The girl quickly took out her phone to call 911.

"Baby, please don't leave me I'm sorry," you cried into his chest.

"I love you, please come back to me."

*at the hospital*

your cries echoed the waiting room of the hospital as he was taken into the ICU.

The pain you felt earlier was no where near the pain you felt now. It was as if your whole world had crumbled down and you couldn't fix it.

Grayson and Ethan's family came rushing into the front doors of the ER.

They quickly spotted you running over to you with open arms.

Crying in each other's arms, you stayed in the family's embrace for a while. Their son, your husband was fighting on the tight rope of death and life.

More silent hours of tears and painful cries passed when a doctor stepped out into the waiting room.

"Ethan Dolan?" He called out.

"Yes we are the family!" You shouted, running as fast as you could to the doctor.

"Is he okay? Please let him be okay, I can't live without him," you prayed that Ethan was alive and okay.

"Are you his wife?" He asked.

Could he not tell by your wedding ring?

You nodded about to show him the ring when you realized that you threw it at Ethan before you walked out.

You covered your mouth beginning to sob harder.

The doctor rubbed your back as you cried out.

"Well, it's a good thing that I have good news," he softly smiled at you all.

You all looked at him in anticipation.

"So?" Grayson said impatiently.

"Mr. Dolan is going to be just fine. He's resting right now so you guys can go to his room if you'd like but we're going to keep him for another week just to ensure that he is stable. But he's going to live."

That was the best news you've heard in a while.

You fell on the ground, over powered by emotions.

"Thank you god, thank you."

The doctor gave you all the room number and you all made your way to room 832.

As Ethan's family went in you stood outside, waiting to catch your breath before you went in.

Right when you were about to enter, his family came out.

"We're going to go get some food so you two can have some alone time," Cameron patted your back.

Taking a deep breath you pushed the door open.

Ethan was hooked up to many machines and it broke your heart thinking of all the pain he must have been experiencing.

His eyes were barely open as he struggled to see who had walked in.

You too his large hand in yours, planting soft kissed on it.

"(Y/N)" he sighed with a raspy voice and a goofy smile written on his face.

"Ethan. You scared me, don't do that again, just let me get hit,-" he cute you off and placed his hand on top of yours.


There was a pause of silence when he finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). I love you more than anything and I messed up big Please my love, give me one more chance to prove how amazing of a husband I am. I love you and only you," he slowly lifted your hand to his mouth.

He planted a kiss and smiled.

"(Y/N), I love you."

"Ethan I love you."

I hope you guys like that second part.

Keep requesting !!!!

Also do you guys want to see what I look like when I get 10K reads?? 🤔🤔😂

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