give me attention |g|

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requested by themultifandom02

summary : in which Grayson complains that you're giving Ethan more attention.

It was a hot day in California so nothing felt better than being at the pool with your two best friends, Ethan and Grayson.

You three had been friends for many years and obviously through those years of friendship you developed feelings.

Feelings for Grayson, to be exact.

The problem was you couldn't tell if he felt the same way.

He had always been a bit more mysterious.

With Ethan, it was like you two were best friends. Brother and sister, almost connected at the hip.

You floated on the giant pool floaty that was in the shape of a pizza as Ethan climbed the roof to make a jump and Grayson stood on the side, barbecuing.

"Ethan don't you dare," you looked at him through your sunglasses as he gave you a sly smirk.

"Ethan," you warned once more before you saw him take off.

"Ethan!" You squealed as he landed right next to you, sending you off of the floaty and into the water as well.

After coming up for air you hit Ethan playfully.

"Thanks a lot Ethan, I was tanning," you sighed as you attempted to climb back onto the float.

"No come on swim," he wrapped his arms around you pulling you closer to him.

You began to giggle since the feeling made you ticklish.

This caused a full blown tickle battle in the water and a lot of touching, causing the attention of Grayson.

"You guys should get a room," he scoffed, as he flipped the burger madly.

His tone of voice made you cower a bit since you rarely see him angry or upset.

"Calm down Grayson, we weren't even doing anything," Ethan laughed, getting out of the pool to dry off.

Grayson just rolled his eyes as his ignored his brother's comment.

You felt the air get a bit tense but you ignored it.

After about 20 minutes of Grayson's playlist and everyone off doing their own thing, Grayson called out that the burgers were finished.

You made your way to Grayson, your stomach hungry and craving food.

"Thank you gray," you smiled at him just to get a cold stare in return.

Your brows furrowed as he's never given you the cold shoulder before.

"Grayson are you-" you were about to ask him if he's okay when Ethan cut you off.

"Grayson you burned the burger."

Grayson yet again just rolled his eyes and headed back into the house, mumbling about going to get a drink.

You looked at Ethan giving him a worried look to which he just shrugged.

The day progressed on with the three of you swimming and playing games but the vibe was still tense and you didn't know what to do.

As nightfall came, you and Ethan started a campfire as Grayson got the ingredients for s'mores.

"Ethan, pass me the lighter," you were bent over the fireplace.

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