best fort maker |e|

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requested by okokcoolshutup

summary : in which Ethan makes a fort and you watch movies all night long.

You had a long stressful day. Henry the new intern spilt his coffee all over your favorite blouse, your car broke down so you had to walk and your favorite heel broke.

Opening the door to the house you shared with Ethan, your boyfriend of 4 years and soon to be fiancé.

"Baby I'm home" you called out, exhausted.

"I'm over here!" He called from the living room.

You put your keys and your bag away, slipping off your heels.

Walking into the living room you saw Ethan grinning like crazy while building a fort.

You giggled to yourself thinking, "god my future husband is a dork."

"I'm the best fort maker" he mumbled to himself, smiling with success.

"Babe what's all this?" You looked at the big fort and a bunch of snacks laid on the floor.

"It's-" he looked up and saw your stained shirt.

"What happened to your shirt?" He asked concerned.

"The new intern spilt his coffee all over it, also my car broke down and my heel broke" you sighed while plopping on Ethan's lap.

"Aww baby I'm so sorry, I'll get you a new blouse. Go take a nice shower, change into some comfy pajamas, come back down here and we'll cuddle while watching movies" he kissed your forehead.

You nodded and went upstairs to get ready for movie night.

When you finished you headed back down stairs to see Ethan setting up your dinner and putting finishing touches on the fort.

"I made us some shrimp scampi" Ethan grinned, happy at his creation.

"Thank you my love" you held his cheek and kissed him before sitting under the fort.

"This is so cute" you smiled up at your boyfriend who was giddy like a little kid.

"I made it, you like it?" He fluffed the blanket under neath you both while he gazed up at the cute fort.

"It's adorable I love it."

Ethan plopped in the first movie which was Beauty and the Beast.

You and Ethan sang horribly to all the songs and fed each other pasta.

"You have pasta sauce on your" Ethan pointed to your cheek.

After failing repeatedly on getting the spot, Ethan raised his thumb and wiped your cheek.

He gazed in your eyes and smiled before licking the sauce off his thumb.

"Eww you're disgusting" you squealed while pushing him.

The movie finished and you began to watch Pocahontas.

"Come here" he pulled you close as you both snuggled up under the fort.

His warmth emitted from his body making you very warm.

You hummed happily and snuggled closer into his chest.

"You're so warm" you said, eyes shut and clinging onto Ethan.

He chuckled at your adorable nature and began to play with your hair.

His fingers combed through your hair as he rubbed your scalp.

You were falling asleep due to the calming motion. It felt so nice.

The sound of the movie began to fade out as your eyes slowly closed.

*the next morning*

Your eyes slowly opened to reveal the fort.

Still tucked in you looked around not seeing Ethan.

You slowly sat up and heard noises from the kitchen.

The sounds of pots and pans and the sizzling of food was heard from where you were.

"Ethan?" You called out, voice a little raspy due to the good sleep you got.

"In here (Y/N). Keep sleeping I'll wake you up when breakfast is done."

He was such a sweetheart, always caring about you.

You pulled the blanket back up to your chest and went back to sleep.

Roughly 30 minutes later you felt kisses on your face.

You voiced out a small yawn as you rubbed your eyes.

Ethan was hovering above you kissing your face. When he noticed you woke up he smiled cheekily.

"Good morning, I made pancakes" he began to crawl out of the fort.

"They're chocolate chip, your favorite" he commented causing you to shoot out of the blankets rushing to the table.

Two plates of pancakes and a big bowl of fruit were set on the table along with two mugs of coffee.

"Ethan, what is all of this?" You asked as he pulled out the chair for you.

"Just to show you how much I love you" his cheesy words made you blush.

The amount of effort Ethan always put into the affection he gives you will never fail to make you smile.

You knew, Ethan was the one for you and he always will be.

I'm sorry this sucks but I've been going through a lot, I quit my dance team (a lot of drama) I was at senior ditch day and so on. I didn't have the time to post but now I do so 😋💓

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