chemistry |e|

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requested by ddaliia

summary : in which Ethan's crush, the most popular girl in school gets paired with him, the least popular guy in school for a chemistry project.

Ethan's Pov :

"Class please settle down!" Mrs. Weiss screamed at the rowdy bunch.

Everybody laughed at her reddened face and her furious state, not taking her serious as they kept talking.

"Guys come on, sit down before she makes us stay like last time," an angelic voice was heard from the back of the class.

I knew right away who that voice belonged to.

My longtime crush, (Y/N).

She sat in the back with all the jocks fawning over her beauty and all the cheerleaders trying to be her best friend.

She was your typical high school queen B.

Captain of the cheer team, straight A student and let me just say, I have never seen someone as absolutely beautiful as her.

Every time she stepped in the room everyone stopped and stared.

But the thing about her was she wasn't rude, or mean to anyone, unlike her friends.

She strived to be friends with everyone and always treated people with kindness and respect, two qualities that ultimately drew me to her.

Once she told the class to sit down, everyone sat down because thy listened to her.

Mrs. Weiss shot her a grateful smile and started with her lesson.

"Before I start today, I wanted to announce your upcoming project due at the end of this week."

The entire class groaned in frustration.

As much as I love school I despised having yet another project.

It was pretty much all Mrs. Weiss assigned and she wasn't kind in the grading process.

"Oh be quiet and listen. We're going to be doing an acid-based lab and you're going to need a partner so let me assign those first and then I'll continue with the project," she took out her roster.

I glanced over at Kaycee, the least popular girl in the senior class and sighed. She was always my partner. The least popular girl and the least popular guy.

"Ian with Yaser," I could hear cheering in the back since Ian and yaser were best friends.

"Giovanni with Chloe, Santana with Michael," names rolled off of Mrs. Weiss' tongue and I found myself drowsing off when suddenly I heard my name.

"Ethan with," oh boy here it comes. I was about to get up and move next to Kaycee when Mrs. Weiss called my partner.


No way. No way.

I felt my heartbeat quicken and my knees grow wobbly. I was paired with my dream girl.

I could hear faint voices in the back.

"I'm so sorry you're paired with Ethan," Janis sneered.

"Why are you sorry?" (Y/N) asked. "Ethan's an amazing guy I'm glad I got paired with him," and there goes the butterflies.

I could hear footsteps grow louder and louder when suddenly the chair next to me squeaked and the (Y/N) was physically sitting next to me.

My glasses began to fog since I was sweating.

"Hi Ethan," her melodic voice greeted.

"H-hi (Y/N)," dammit Ethan did you have to be such a loser right now?

"Okay moving on," Mrs. Weiss spoke loudly capturing all of our attention.

"Over the time length of this week, you and your partner will use this formula," she tapped the formula on the screen portrayed on the white board.

"And change its variables creating new formulas. I want you to be able to explain in detail what elements you combined and how you did so. This isn't random play. Create hypothesis and test your theory's to see how chemicals react to one another, today you'll make theories and hypotheses, and tomorrow you will begin experimenting," Mrs. Weiss explained thoroughly but honestly everything went in one ear and out the other.

All I could think of was the sweet smell of perfume that flowed my way from (Y/N).

We made our hypothesis and when class ended she slipped me her number to contact her about any different hypothesis or theories I might have.

Of course I was to nervous to actually contact her.

Today is now the day we start experimenting.

I stayed up all night reading on the periodic table and the different chemicals and its reactions.

I wanted to make sure I impressed (Y/N) with my chemistry knowledge.

"Mom do I smell good?" I asked my mom as I gave her a whiff of the new cologne I bought.

"What a man," she smiled dusting off my sweater before letting me leave to catch the bus.

Would I start by saying, "hey (Y/N)?" Too forced. "Hello (Y/N)" too formal. "Sup (Y/N)," Yea thats a definite no.

Hours passed and it was finally time for chemistry.

I walked in early as usual, shocked to see that (Y/N) was there before me, dressed in her lab coat and goggles.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure we got the best materials," she winked playfully setting up the tubes.

Lord Jesus take the wheel she just winked at me.

I felt myself grow nervous when suddenly she grabbed my hand.


Don't freak out Ethan she's just taking you to get your lab coat. God bless Mrs. Weiss for this project.

Class then began and everyone was proceeding to do tests and figure out what chemicals were what.

Nows your time to shine Ethan.

So I wanted to make a reaction that showed I knew what I was doing but that's when I realized I lacked so much energy from staying up all night that I jumbled the chemicals up.

"Um we're going to need 100 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide solution. Saturated potassium iodide solution. Liquid dishwashing detergent, and um food coloring for fun," my voice shook nervously.

"Right on it," (Y/N) smiled brightly at me before going to the vast supplies table.

When she came back I didn't hesitate and I started mixing chemicals expecting a mild explosion to impress (Y/N).

Suddenly the solution formed up and spurted out of the cylinder.

Bright purple foam was now all over the floor and the desk.

(Y/N) began giggling as Mrs. Weiss yelled at (Y/N) and I to start cleaning it up.

This is not how I wanted to impress (Y/N). Both of us on our knees collecting the hoop off the ground.

"I'm sorry I embarrassed us," I said shamefully making (Y/N)'s head shoot up.

"Ethan you didn't embarrass me, I thought it was amazing. You impressed me, maybe you can teach me some chemistry so I can make that at home," she smirked probably thinking of the pranks she could pull.

Let's just say we ended up cultivating a different kind of chemistry. One they don't teach in textbooks.

I will be doing a part two of prank calls so stay tuned.

Tomorrow I have a lot of errands to do and I'm just super busy right now 😅😅.

What is your guys favorite subject if you're still in school? If not what was your favorite subject ?

I loved cartooning and dance 💃🏽

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